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Good morning viewers. Regarding Indonesia morning

accompany you with the latest news, hottesth and more
actual.Together with me Dian Dewi Pratiwi,
Wednesday,march 02 2016.

Police have detained Jessica Kumala Wongso related

cases 'cyanide coffee '. which causes Wayan Mirna Salihan
died in a coffee shop in Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta,
January 06, 2016 last.

Jessica 27 years old, was a friend Mirna when they

studying in Australia. Together with a friend named Hani,
the three of them meet and have a drink at Cafe Olivier,
Grand Indonesia, on January 06 2016.

However, after taking Vietnam caffeine, Mirna died.

Jessica ordered drinks, but this time she said she did not
know the existence of the poison in the coffee she ordered.

Based on laboratory tests, the police ensure there is

cyanide in coffee which Mirna drunk. That's as much as 15
grams of poison that killed 27-year-old woman.
Since then, police have yet to announce who the person
who allegedly put poison in the coffee beverage. Jessica
detained at Hotel Neo Mangga Dua, North Jakarta, on
Saturday (30/01). police have established her as a suspect.
Jessica Kumala Wongso herded by Metro Jaya Police
officers into a prison, on Saturday (30/1). Jessica named as
a suspect and will be detained for 20 days to live further
examination about case cyanide coffee.

Regarding Indonesia morning had closed the show this

morning. I’m Dian Dewi Pratiwi and my colleague Indah dewi
pwetiwi gratitude,and goodbye.



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