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STORY WRITTEN BY: Edward Julian Colmenares Cristancho


A few years ago, I was thinking about how celebrate the birthday number 50
of my mother. I had been seeing about some options. However, a few days
later, I chose one of them. I told to my family that we had to go to celebrate
the mother’s birthday in Cartagena. To my surprise, they loved my idea! And
we decided to do it.

These days in Cartagena were wonderful. We had been at the Rosario Island,
White Beach in Barú, La Popa hill, Castell of San Felipe, and more fantastic
places, when the last night arrived and we decided to take a ride around the
city in the Chiva Rumbera. It took us to some historical places like walled city
(old town), some museums, Palace of inquisition, the clock tower, historical
churches and more. There was a lot of Ron. Also, I remember that there were
people from some countries like Chile, Brazil, España, Mexico and others.
Then, The Chiva Rumbera stopped in the Walls. I was dancing when I saw
some girls very beautiful and I went for them to talk. And I met them! They’re
from Peru and they were the same age and they’re engineers that me. I fell in
love with them; we talked, danced, and laughed. Then, the Chiva Rumbera
took us at a disco, in Getsemaní neighborhood. My family and I went a disco,
but the Peruvians girls went to other disco, near there. I went with the
Peruvians women without informing my family. I stayed there for a few
minutes, and went back with my family. Suddenly, I didn’t see them. They
were worried and distressed because I was not and decided go at the police
station. I was scared and worried too. I thought the worst. Finally, I called to
the father’s cellphone. Immediately, the problem was solved.

On the way home, we laughed about this situation, but at the same time I
promised to inform where I am always. That night I will never forget it and
will be one of the most strange of my life.

STORY WRITTEN BY: Edward Julian Colmenares Cristancho

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