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Teacher Candidate: Amy Kapushinsky Date:

Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time 45 minutes Grade Level

Subject or Topic: Earth Resource: Day 2 Rocks and Soil Section


Explain and give examples of the ways in which soil is formed.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The second grade students will be able to identify the uses of soil by creating clay
bricks to visualize how soil is used in other ways.

II. Instructional Materials

 Harcourt Science Book Unit C: Exploring Earth’s Surface.
 Ice Cube tray’s (per group of about 4)
 Soil box

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

Prerequisite skills
 Homes for Living Things
 What rocks, soil, plants, and water look like
 Basic uses from the previous chapter
Key Vocabulary for whole chapter:
 Rock- Hard, nonliving thing that comes from earth.
 Soil- The loose top layer of the earth’s surface.
 Resource- Anything that people can use.
 Natural Resource- Something found in nature that people can use to meet their
 Medicine- Product that helps people who are ill or in pain.
 Transportation- Ways to move people or things from one place to another.
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Start by reminding students what we talked about the previous day.
a. Ask them: what did we do?
2. Have them share the predictions they made about what will happen to the clay in
the warm or sunny area?
a. Allow a few students to answer.
3. Hand back each groups tray.
a. Remind them or the rules and expectations when working in groups, and
during science activities.
4. Allow students to take the hardened clay out of the trays.
a. Each group member should have 1-2 “rocks”

B. Development
5. Begin by asking the students to share with their group members what happened to
the clay?
a. The students should talk about how it hardened.
6. Have students put clay back into the trays, and put the trays off to the side.
7. Have the students get out the science books and turn to page C5.
a. Have them talk about what a rock, and what soil is?
8. Turn to page C6, the teacher should read this page.
a. After reading, go over the highlighted words.
b. Ask students to turn and talk
i. How are the rocks in the truck being used?
9. Turn to page C7, the teacher should read this page again.
a. The teacher should get out the “soil box” and pass it around allowing
students to feel the soil.
b. Ask them, what do you feel?
10. Have the students put their hard clay rocks in the center of their desks, allow them
to walk around and take note in their head, and by talking to their group about
what they notice.

C. Closure
11. Have the students answer the following questions as an “Exit Slip”
a. How do people use rocks?
b. How do people use soil?
12. Have the students put the rocks back on the back shelf, and go over all of the
highlighted words that have been taught thus far.
a. Rock, soil, resource, natural resource.

b. Accommodations/Differentiation
K,E,S,J,R- Exit Slip instructions read to them on carpet, word box read, along
with any writing.

c. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative- Exit Slip
a. Exit slip is out of 4 total points, plus an extra point fro
the bonus.
i. To earn a full point, student must fill in the
correct answers for what a rock is used for, and
what a soil is used for using the sentences
provided in the word box.
ii. Student can earn 0.5 points if they write in an
answer from the box that is not fully correct.
1. EX of full point: Rocks: To build things,
to make gravel for roads.
2. Soil: To grow crops, to make wet clay
3. Half point: Build, crop, grow, brick, clay
iii. Extra credit: adobe bricks, and this is worth 1
extra point.
iv. 5/4-4/4- advanced
v. 3.5/4- 2/4- Proficient
vi. 1.5/4-0- below, student will meet at rug during
intervention for small group instruction
2. Summative- NONE

13. Reflective Response

a. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after
lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

b. Personal Reflection

14. Resources
Rock Exit Slip

Directions: Using the word box below, write 2 ways that rocks, and soil can
be used. Please write out the full sentence.

How do people use rocks?

1. Word box:
To build things
To grow crops

To make wet clay bricks

How do people use soil?
1. To make gravel for roads


What is the name of the brick that is made of wet clay, and straw?

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