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After the holy Quran, the hadiths of the Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) are considered the second

source of Islamic law in the sacred religion Islam. Many verses of the Quran have proved the authenticity and
documentary status of hadiths. The Holy prophet Muhammad ( SAW) was entrusted the duty of propagation of
divine wisdom and self-purification along with the Quranic teachings. The authentic sayings state that the process
of compilation of hadiths had started in the reign of the Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself. After the demise
of the Holy prophet Muhammad (SAW) the process of compilation of hadiths was continuously practiced on
different stages from 1st to 4th hegira. With the compilation of hadiths the practitioners started a very organised
and reliable kind of knowledge by the name of (asma ur rejal) . In this new kind of knowledge a hadith( saying) is
critically examined and processes through different stages and finally it is labelled/ marked as authentic/certified,
dubious or seld-created/fabricated. On the other hand the historians did not take care of the analysis of the
history of the narrators and their narrations. That's why their history books contained in fabricated and baseless
narrations. In this kind of suspicious books the book of Ibne Jarir tabri by the name( history of the kings and their
companions) is also included

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