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ISLAMIC HISTORY A FRAMEWORK FOR INQUIRY REVISED EDITION R. STEPHEN HUMPHREYS nua [uw | [ARAGISTIEK & ISLAIMKURDE | be conrenrs ‘PART ONE: SOURCES AND RESEARCH TOOLS INTRODUCTION. 3 Referece Wats 4 “A General 2 Bbogrphic ots 7 C Languages 11 . Gearapy and Toporaphy 16 £.Chnmolgy end Genelogy 9 {Tne Serie of nam: Qur'tn ond Hadith 21 (Research Lbraes nd ther Catalogs 23 ‘The Source: An Analyte Survey. 25, ‘A Naratveand Literary Tes 25 5B arches ond Docent 40 Nummer and Merolgy 49 D.Apteroply 53 Am hhcolegy, nd Tecnology 59 [PART TWO: PROBLEMS IN ISLAMIC HISTORY Ely Mint Taio and th Fit smc Polity 6 “A The Chance of Barly Ionic Wisrigraply, |B Bo Cae fom the Barly story ofa 91 Moder Historane an the Abbasi Revlon: The Art of Intention 108 “A Deseoping an Alte Pramevort 108 Bh Outi of be Sources It Anaya and Iterations 116 ‘yh andRe Taghrbid: The At of Naren samc ital Winging te Mle Pods 128 Crt © 19 by Pin ay Pe te by Pc Ut Pro Win Se in New oe 8 tip Rene ary of Congr Cain Pi a en Sion ay nen eine Sper tg Inde ogg cn nines Son 0-o-ane3: sno ce) cst peg 2m ge eng Te nse) ‘to ey Pcs aon te, ns ean perme ty ‘Comm reese On Laney oe ‘ps Ube Rat To John A. Petropulos

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