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Lift Lab

Basha High School


Instructor: Mr Jim Flannery

Phone: (480) 224-2100 Ext. 2246
Room: F203/H113


Welcome to the Lift Lab at Basha High School. This will explain procedures that
are associated with the Lift Lab. The Lab was created to recover credits that
were lost in the past semesters. It is a Computer program that can be accessed
at BHS. The ALS program will help you make up credits and get back on track to

The Lift Lab will be used for Credit Recovery, Grade Replacement and for
students that wish to Accelerate. Grade replacement and Accelerating students
will be done outside of the school day and will cost ($80.00 per semester class).
Students cannot earn more than (5) total credits in the Lift Lab; equaling one
credit per content area (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and an elective).

Materials Needed:
Spiral notebook

Students will need to take notes for each semester class they are taking in
the lab. There will be no copying and pasting in a word document for notes.
You will not receive credit for the class if this occurs. The student’s
notebooks may remain in the classroom at all times for them to use.

All assignments are given a point value. There are a set number of assignments
for each course. In order to complete a lesson the student must reach mastery,
which is set at 70%. Mastery must be reached on each lesson in order to move
on. Each student will be given 3 attempts to reach mastery. If mastery is not
completed after the third attempt, A+ automatically uses the highest of the

90%-100% = A
80%-89% = B
70%-79% = C
60%-69% = D
50%-59% = F
Class Final- 20% of class grade
Review Tests- 10% of class grade

Note: Students need to show weekly progress in the Lift Lab. Students
will be expected to finish an assigned class with a nine week period.
Failure to complete a class within the proper time frame will result in the
class being removed from the ALS system.

Classroom Rules

1. Everything in the classroom is appropriate and in good taste at all times

2. Respect the rights and property of others.
3. Profanity will not be tolerated under any circumstances…EVER!
4. The teacher phone is off limits unless given permission for class related phone calls.
5. Cell phones are to be off and put away during class. Phones will be confiscated and
sent to the office for parent pick up if a violation occurs.
7. Students will be expected to comply with the BHS Computer Laboratory Agreement
as it relates to computer use and file security.
8. Use of the Internet is a privilege and is to be restricted to educational and research
purposes only. Abuse of this privilege will result in removal from the class and
a loss of credit.
9. Students are responsible for doing their own work. Any student caught cheating will
receive a zero for the assignment and be subject to the consequences as outlined in
the BHS student handbook.
10. Students will not leave class during conference period without a pass signed by a
teacher or properly designated color club pass. You will need to bring study materials
from other classes if necessary, conference hour is not free time!

Computers Rules

 No changing of the desktop settings.

 No downloading or uploading any information.
 No Internet use. No music from the Internet. (You can use flash drives or
bring in a CD)
 The computers are to be used for the ALS program only.
 Continual violation of the rules will result in removal from the lab.

You are in the lab for a reason, make good use of the lab while you can.
Students may be dropped out of the lab after 9 absences. The student will not
receive any credit for work that is incomplete at that time.

Tardy Policy: The tardy policy is quite simple; do not be tardy!

Students will adhere to the Basha High School tardy policy as outlined in the student handbook.
Problems with tardiness may also result in further disciplinary actions on up to and including
conduct referrals and after school detention.


1st tardy- reminder to student

2nd tardy- reminder to student
3rd tardy- documented conversation with student (student will sign this conversation record)
4th – 9th tardy- referred to administration
The success of each student is important to me and I encourage parents and students to contact
me whenever they have questions. You can contact me by phone at 480-224-2246 or by e-mail
at I will answer e-mail promptly and will also send messages when I
have concerns or compliments about a student’s attendance, work, or conduct.

All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias,

prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Basha High School educational
community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of
harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender,
ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.

Please fill out and return this page to

Mr. Flannery

BY: Friday, July 25th

I have received and read the class description and am aware of the class expectations for
The Lift Lab.

STUDENT NAME_______________________________________________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE ________________________________________ PERIOD_____


Please indicate which of the following methods of communication is best for you:

Please contact me by e-mail. My e-mail address is:

(Return verification of receipt of e-mail is required)

Please contact me by phone. I can be reached at the following numbers:

Home ______________________
Work _______________________
Cell ________________________

PARENT SIGNATURE ________________________ DATE ______

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