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Annotated Bib (2 Academic Sources)

Sangeorzan, Irina, et al. “Research Paper: Exploring the Experiences of People Vlogging about
Severe Mental Illness on YouTube: An Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis.” Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 246, Mar. 2019, pp. 422–
428. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.jad.2018.12.119.

Found through SCOUT databases; I looked up key words: YouTube effects AND mental health.
This article speaks about how YouTubers use their vlogs as therapy to deal with their problems.
They also used a test (interpretative phenomenological analysis) on several different YouTube
channels to show the benefits of using vlogs as therapy.

This article did not show any obvious biases. They gave their findings from research and
experiments they did. I think I still need to dig a little deeper to find my answers to my research
question. This article was a very great start and find.

Barry, Christopher T., et al. “Adolescent Social Media Use and Mental Health from Adolescent
and Parent Perspectives.” Journal of Adolescence, vol. 61, Dec. 2017, pp. 1–
11. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2017.08.005.

Found through SCOUT databases. I made my search a little broader, I searched Social Media
effects AND mental health. This article discusses the difference between adolescent and parent
reports of teen-age social media use and its relation to adolescent psychosocial adjustment.

I did find some bias in this article. This article seemed to favor more with the parent point of
view, even though they did address the adolescent’s point of view. Overall it was a great read
and can be very useful for my research.

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