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LCD – Spring semester.

Professor Liu

Master Study - Preparation

One and all,

For the next three weeks, you will be working on your Master Study.
To prepare for this, you need to google for three different paintings during this week. Next week, you
will pick one of them for your Master Study. Make sure that their images are in a high resolution. I
recommend that the short side should be no less than 800 pixels. Then, you will have these images
printed individually on high quality 8.5"X11" papers. Print the images as big as possible. But, don’t
cropped them, you need the whole composition. Do not use regular bond paper. You will be using the
prints for a few weeks. So, don’t skimp on the printing.
You are looking for realistic paintings with a strong sense of movement, light, and air. We will start with
a spatial study. This means that these paintings should also have a strong sense of foreground, middle
ground, and background. Portraits would not work. Landscape paintings work well. Interior views and
urban landscapes can work too, so long that they have a sense of light, and that you have a deep space
from the foreground to the background.
Here are some of the artists I recommend: Caravaggio, Veronese, Titian, El Greco, Tintoretto, Diego
Velasquez, Peter Paul Rubens, Vermeer, Gustave Courbet, Jean Baptiste Camille Corot, Francisco Goya,
Edward Hopper, Manet, John Singer Sargent, Jean Renoir, Seurat, Martin Johnson Heade, and Edgar
Degas, Charles-Franois Daubigny, Claude Monet, Camille Pissaro,
In case that none of these three images work out for your assignment, you should store additional
images in your phone. Do note the artists, and the names of the paintings.
The following are the supplies that you will need:
1. A pad of 9" X 14" tracing paper.
2. A transparent report cover, or a transparent portfolio sleeve. Make sure that they are not tinted, and
that that are truly transparent and not translucent.
3. A Sharpie marker with a ultra fine point. Some Sharpie markers come with fine point on end, and ulra
fine point on the other end. Apple Art Supplies sells these. A waterproof marker will work too. But, you
need to test it on a transparent sheet or glass to make sure that it writes rather than beads.
4. A small container of rubbing alcohol. This is used for erasing unwanted marker lines on the
transparent sheet.
5. Three color pencils: red, blue, and yellow.
6. You will also need your gouache, palette, brush, bristol boards, etc.
7. Your color-aid paper pack.
Professor Dik F. Liu

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