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Nama kelompok : Ade Risty Aulia (SR162100048)

Devi Febrianti (SR162100042)

Kelas : 3B

1. A: How’s the danie last night ?

B: We had a such good time

Jawaban : A

2. A: Are you ready to leave ?

B: I need about thirty minutes

Jawaban : B

3. A: I’M really Havinge trouble in psychology class

B: you should talk with the teacher

Jawaban : C

4. A: Have you found a job yet ?

B: I actually started my new job yesterday

Jawaban : D

5. A: Do you know why stan want to talk to me

B: He need s to find someone to share on apartment

Jawaban : D

6. A: When are you Taking your vacation

B: In the fall

Jawaban : B

7. A: Didi you enjoy the book ?

B: ________quiet places to read

Jawaban: C
8. A: Why you were to late

B: Traffic was very heavy

Jaawaban: B

9. A: Do you want to go to the game with us tonight

B: Sorry, I cant’t I have to finish to report for history class

Jawaban: C

10. A: Does steve work for you ?

B: No,Steve managers On his business

Jawaban: C

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