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Eryn Calfee


“A Brief History of Choral Music Education In The United States”

Brian D. Ebie, PH.D

January 19, 2019

Music in schools is an idea that we all as current music professionals have grown up

knowing in our current society, but gaining a better knowledge of how this concept came to be is

extremely important to utilizing the full potential of professionalism when it comes to working in

education alongside other areas of study. As a future music educator that is still only scratching

the surface of what there is to know about the history of choral music and how it can be taught

effectively, I am fully aware of the importance of finding the right place to start in my knowledge

of the history of such culture. Starting with the beginning of singing in America is highly

appropriate as I will probably have students one day that will wonder why we gather to sing so

often to share music with others. It will be important for me to have a well-thought answer to

this so as to inspire the will to sing in my students. Above all of this, it is imperative to embrace

the changes that have happened through the history of music education. Reflecting on the

changes that we have already been through instills the idea that change is vital to provide

students with the best possible education in music. As music education in schools is challenged

constantly, it is best to know that we are supported by centuries of history and development.

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