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Eryn Calfee


“About the Voice”

Michael, Deirdre D

January 28th, 2019

Navigating the inner workings of the voice beyond the production of phonation and

further into what happens with the sound once it crosses the barrier into the air is also a vital bit

of knowledge for the singing musician. “About the Voice” is an online information site that dives

deep into this information and also solidifies the importance of knowing the voice as well as

possible when it comes to making singing your profession. This reading is of the utmost

importance to any singing musician, and can be used to educate future students so that they will

ultimately sing better as individuals as well as in the choral setting. Another area of vocal

anatomy knowledge that will benefit all readers is the extensive explanation of the larynx and

how its position and fine workings will benefit most of the fundamental skills that singing

musicians aim to achieve. This includes range, tessitura, tone quality, and resonant tone

production. This is something that I personally did not learn about until my private lessons in

college. If I can provide students with this knowledge and technique before they reach a later

point in their careers, they will be able to reach higher goals and be much better at navigating

their instrument by the time they pursue a higher degree of education. This information is also a
huge proponent for good vocal health which is something I will constantly strive to achieve and

promote as an educator and a musician myself.

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