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+ Battle Realms Game Changes +

+ Created by Liquid Entertainment +

Since the initial release of Battle Realms, a number of balance changes and
new features have been implemented. Contained in this document are a list of
the most recent and significant of those changes.

� Lotus Brothers can no longer enter WatchTowers.

� Evened out LOS for units between clans.

� Missile units with attack ranges greater than 15m now have LOS of
their attack range + 1 meter.

� One first tier missile unit in each clan now has 20m LOS (Archer,
Crossbowman, Leaf disciple and Hurler).

� Units now have a standard +1m bonus to their missile ranges when
in towers. This was almost random, previously.

� Minimum watchtower ranges have been standardized to 4 meters. Some

units previously were able to fire on units within 3m.

� A few Wolf buildings were refunding too little water upon their
demolition, so all buildings now refund 50% of their cost.

� Added game speed adjustment for single player.

� Added ingame chat to the Internet multiplayer Lobby.

� Fixed a bug with allies nearby being turned OFF on a 2-player map.

� World Editor: Fixed a bug that caused enormous slowdown on

user-made maps when the user attempted to save a map with no start
points, flooding the map with painted impassability in layers he
had no control over.

� World Editor: You can now safely double-click on a map file to open
it without removing all of the objects, etc.

� Doubled most units� HP to extend battle duration, with exceptions.

Many other variables were tuned around this change to keep the game's
general feel intact.

� Increased all Missile Damage by 25%.

� Reduced all fire values by 25%.

� Increased building HP by 25%.

� Decreased the effectiveness of "Siege" class units, such as the Sledger.

� Increased the cost and build time of Watchtowers for all clans.

� Lowered the cost of the Dragon Dojo by 25 rice.

� Increased the attack power of Spearmen, Werewolves, Chemists, Peasants,
Longtooth, and Kazan.

� Decreased the Lotus Warlock�s resistance to Cutting-type attacks.

� Reduced Yin/Yang Acquisition rate when in your own base.

� Implemented Battle Gear priority/breaking system � for example, Druidess

Entangle can now stop a Dark Canopy�ing Staff Adept.

� Fixed Brother Sehk�s stamina drain rate to be consistent with the other

� Warlock enemy stamina drain ability only affects melee attackers now.

� Changed the Ronin Blood Bond damage distribution � 50% to the bonder,
75% to the bondee.

� Peasants can no longer push boulders.

� Improved Garrin�s stamina regeneration rate.

� Reduced damage of Diseased One�s Rotting Pool, and changed its damage
type to Magic damage.

� Getting Glass Sword now completely robs the Swordsman of all stamina
until it is used.

� Chemist Mandrake Spores now fires off of a Rocket and reduces attack
strength instead of armor so that it's not stackable with Flash Powder.

� Cannoneer�s Smoke Bomb and the Serpent Tower's Blinding Flash are no
longer stackable.

� Increased the duration of the Samurai�s Yang Blade BattleGear.

� Increased the damage and radius of the Dragon Monument.

� Increased the fire value on Lotus Shadow Steeds� Infernal Breath ability.

� Changed Geisha Fire Shield to explosive damage, increased duration.

� Increased the stamina required to heal for all healer units.

� Reduced the benefit of heal-enhancing Techniques, such as Art of Massage.

� Reduced the radius of the Swordsman mugging Battle Gear.

� Raised the stamina cost of the Spearman Whirling Spear Battle Gear.

� Increased the duration of the Dragon Warrior�s Chi Shield, added health

� Increased the effectiveness of Grayback�s Wolf Howl Battle Gear.

� Gave identifiable weaknesses to most heroes.

� Reduced piercing damage resistance of the Chemist, Fan Geisha, Leaf

Disciple and Hurler.
� Musketeers can no longer shoot through Dark Canopy or Dragon Skin, and
no longer cause melee-activated abilities, such as Fire Shield, to

� Doubled the rate at which poison damage is meted out.

� Blood bonded units will no longer remain bonded once they enter watchtowers.

� All visible status-affecting objects, such as Wolf Totem and Death Sentry,
can now be easily targeted for destruction.

� Healers are now the only units to respond to a heal command.

� Wolves and horses cannot be given orders (via selecting them with Ctrl-C).

� Added tooltips in the staging screen to show the statistics of AI players.

� Changed the text for the endgame scenario of a losing player to indicate
that they will be revealed if they don't build a combat building.

� The Pitchslinger's "Scorched Earth" BattleGear now has two charges.

� The Bandit's melee attack has been strengthened.

� The Serpent Stables now cost 150 rice and 150 water.

� The Wolf Clan's "Dodging Technique" has been fixed, and now costs 2 Yang.

� The blessing range of the Lotus Brothers has been reduced.

� The Lotus Warlock's stamina draining innate has been made less effective.

� And many more...

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