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Name: Kara Mia
Section: Grade-8 Santol
BELIEF: Friday the 13th: Bad Luck

Strikingly folkloric aspects of the number 13 have been noted in various cultures around
the world: one theory is that this is due to the cultures employing lunar-solar calendars
(there are approximately 12.41 lunations per solar year, and hence 12 "true months"
plus a smaller, and often portentous, thirteenth month). This can be witnessed, for
example, in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" of Western European tradition.
According to biblical tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, held on Maundy
Thursday, including Jesus and his 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The
next day, of course, was Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.

The seating arrangement at the Last Supper is believed to have given rise to a
longstanding Christian superstition that having 13 guests at a table was a bad omen—
specifically, that it was courting death.

Though Friday’s negative associations are weaker, some have suggested they also have
roots in Christian tradition: Just as Jesus was crucified on a Friday, Friday was also said
to be the day Eve gave Adam the fateful apple from the Tree of Knowledge, as well as
the day Cain killed his brother, Abel.

This belief is just a SUPERSTITION. We can’t say our good days or our bad days. We can’t
tell our luck in any day. Also we cannot say that something bad may happen to us every
Friday the thirteenth. This belief is just adopted from the Romans, especially about the
“Last Supper”. It is about Satan, who is in the 13th position in the last supper, also he is
the one who betrayed Jesus. That is why we can’t say that Friday the 13th is bad luck.
Sometimes bad things happen because maybe it is destined or planned to happen.

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