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Project „English idioms“

1. Ne viskas auksas, kas auksu žiba. – All that glitters is not gold (the attractive
external appearance of something is not reliable indication of its true

2. Būti devintam danguj. – To be on cloud nine (to be extremely happy and


3. Viščiukus rudenį skaičiuoja. – Don’t count your chicken before they hatch
(you should not make plans that depend on something good happening
before you know that it has actually happened)

4. To kill two birds with one stone (to solve two problems at once)

5. Let the cat out of the bag (to accidentally reveal a secret)

6. A piece of cake (something is very easy)

7. When pigs fly (something that will never happen)

8. See eye to eye (to agree with someone)

9. Speak of the devil (the person you’re talking about actually turns up at that

10.The best of both worlds (to enjoy two different opportunities at the same

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