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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

San Juan Campus

San Juan City

Figgie Roll
(Fish + Veggies Roll)

An Undergraduate Term Paper

Presented To
Dr. Joel Ferrer

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for ENMA 3033

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
Janina Mae S.J. Sarmiento

October 2017
Introduction ……………………………………………………………. 1
Mission, Vision, Objectives, & Strategies …………………………….. 2
Body ………………………………………………………………….... 3
Risk Analysis ………………………………………………………….. 4
Decision Tree .......................................................................................... 5
Marginal Analysis & Cost-Effective Analysis ....................................... 6
Linear Programming ……………………………………………........ 7-8
Gantt chart ……………………………………………………………... 9
PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) …………………….. 10
CPM (Critical Path Method) …………………………………………. 11
Bibliography.......................................................................................... 12

Many people, especially kids are fond of eating hotdogs, because why not? It is so tasty
that is why almost everyone loves it. But did you know where hotdogs are made of? We all know
that hotdogs are just one of the processed foods in the food industry. They are loaded with
preservatives and chemicals which should not really be put in the human body. It has a lot of
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) and food colorings. What is MSG, by the way? Is it bad for our
health? According to, “MSG has been used for food additives for decades. Over
the years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has received many anecdotal reports of
adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. Some of these reactions — known as MSG
symptom complex — include: headache, sweating, numbness, tingling or burning in the face,
neck and other areas, rapid, fluttering heartbeats (heart palpitations), chest pain, and weakness.
However, researchers have found no definitive evidence of a link between MSG and these
symptoms. Researchers acknowledge, though, that a small percentage of people may have short-
term reactions to MSG. Symptoms are usually mild and don't require treatment. The only way to
prevent a reaction is to avoid foods containing MSG.” Take note, the only way to prevent a
reaction is to avoid foods containing MSG, and one of those foods is hotdogs.

Aside from those chemicals and preservatives which contain hotdogs, according to a
documentary that I have watched, hotdogs also came from the leftovers of the animals, which,
are not very sanitary. It is unexpected where hotdogs came from and what makes it tasty. I
therefore conclude that hotdogs are not really healthy. They can cause us illness, especially when
it is eaten every day. On the other hand, I am not saying that hotdogs are bad, however, it is
unhealthy, but I guess when it is eaten only once or twice, it will not really affect our health. So
long as we know how to control what we eat, and we check the nutrition facts and ingredients of
the food that we will intake, we would not be worried about our health at all.

Furthermore, in order for us to really be healthy, we should take a right amount of food,
do daily exercises as well, and most importantly, eat vegetables and fruits because those are the
healthiest food out of everything. It is indeed guaranteed that vegetables and fruits are all natural
and organic which will make us stronger and help us live longer and healthier.

Our mission is to nourish people with healthy food and with healthy ingredients because
we believe that health comes first.

Figgie roll seeks to help people live a healthier and happier life.

Profit maximization – make as much profit as possible.

Sales and marketing – set a lower cost in respect to competitor pricing to attract customers.

Human resources – improve productivity by implementing training programs in order to have

competent and skilled employees.

Customer service – provide quality customer service by giving them the satisfaction with costs
and overall quality of the product or service.

Market growth – introduce new products to new and existing markets.

Product development – invest in research in order to create innovative products.

Product differentiation – use only natural and organic ingredients without any chemicals
or preservatives in adding flavour.

Pricing strategy – keep prices low to attract customers.

Market – people who are fond of eating hotdogs.


The foremost reason why I came up with this food product is because I want to make a
substitute for hotdogs. Personally, I am not really fond of eating hotdogs, and I’m glad I’m not,
but I have some family members who love to eat it and I am concerned for their health; that is
also one of the reasons why I thought of this product. As much as possible, I would like everyone
to at least get rid of eating hotdogs by then, or even not just hotdogs, but other food in general,
which contains chemicals and preservatives.

The main ingredients of this food product are broccoli, squash, sweet potato, and tuna.
Whereas those ingredients belong to the healthiest vegetables and fishes in the Philippines based
on what I have researched. According to, “If it were a boxing match, broccoli can be
considered a heavyweight with its immense disease-fighting potential. To boot, the cruciferous
veggie is loaded with powerful antioxidants and it is a good resource in the fight against cancer
(e.g., rectal, lung, stomach). For your daily protection, broccoli is a powerful aid as it is rich in
beta-carotene, folate and vitamin C, giving you a big boost to your immune system so you won’t
get common colds and flu easily.” Squash is packed with anti-inflammatory nutrients (e.g.
Vitamin C, beta-carotene). It is a great help for people suffering from asthma, rheumatoid
arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also a rich resource of magnesium, potassium and fiber. (Pinoy
Top Tens, 2015) For people who want to take on the fight against cancer, they should consider
sweet potato as their regular stop. The root vegetable’s beaming with anti-cancer nutrients (e.g.
manganese, vitamin A and C) and the best caretakers of your digestive system, being a good
source of iron and fiber. (Pinoy Top Tens, 2015) Vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and other organic
compounds are found in the delicious tuna fish. These include antioxidants and protein without
much saturated fat or sodium. (Organic Facts, 2014) Those are the health benefits of the
ingredients of this food product. That being so I included those to it.

Figgie roll is formed like a hotdog so that people who love hotdogs could easily get rid of
it because of this food product. The purpose of why this food product is shaped like a hotdog is
for people to imagine that they are still eating a hotdog but a healthier one because it is made out
of vegetables and fish meat and purely natural and organic ingredients only. The main
ingredients include mostly vegetables, but this is not necessarily for vegetarians only, but for
everyone, in general. But there is a choice for those who are vegetarians. Since they only eat
purely vegetables, I have another product without a fish meat named “veggie roll”, it contains
only vegetables so that they would be able to buy my food product as well. Its flavour purely
comes from its ingredients and thus, it is all natural without any chemicals or preservatives. It
can also be dipped in a dressing to give an extra flavour to it, just like how a vegetable salad is
eaten. I am also thinking or planning of giving the customers the option to choose their own
choice of ingredients for their food or they can choose my own combination of ingredients, just
like in some restaurants or fast-food chains wherein a customer can choose their preferred
ingredients for their food. But just for now, I have my own combination of ingredients.


- Unique product
- Uses all natural and organic
- Lower price
- Higher productivity
- High capital costs

Figgie roll
- Participation in a growing
market - Competitors
- Product development - Revenue may be lower than
- Rainy season
- Not enough capital
- Lack of product recognition
- Low production and profit

We used the SWOT Analysis to understand our strengths and weaknesses, and to identify
the opportunities and threats that we face. This technique helps us focus on our strengths, work
on our weaknesses, minimize threats, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities
available to us. This is also a very useful strategy tool to get an understanding of our customers,
which can give us the insights we need to craft a coherent and successful competitive position.
(MindTools, n.d.)


How much profit

will my business
gain if it succeeds,
and how much will it
lose if it failed?


124,000.00 50,000.00


50% 10% 20%
(0. 10%

150,000.00 130,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 200,000.00

= 75, 000.00 = 39,000.00 = 10,000.00 = 30,000
= 20,000.00
(150,000*0.75) (130,000*0.30) (100,000*0.10) (150,000*0.20)

124,000.00 50,000.00

This decision tree indicates the risk that my business could face if it would succeed or fail, and
the decision I have to make if it either succeeds or fails. So therefore, my business will gain a higher profit of
124,000.00 if it succeeds and lose a lower profit of 50,000.00 if it fails.

A decision tree uses estimates and probabilities to calculate likely outcomes. This also helps to
decide whether the net gain from a decision is worthwhile. (, n.d.) This is a useful tool to identify
and calculate the value of all probable alternatives, so you can choose the best option with confidence. With
the use of this, making or choosing a decision would be a lot easier as well, because as mentioned, the
estimates and probabilities of the possible outcome of the choice or decision are calculated and identified.

Marginal analysis is an important decision-making tool in the business world. Marginal
analysis allows business owners to measure the additional benefits of one production activity
versus its costs. This analysis can help an owner understand whether an activity is profitable and
thus make a decision based on that information. (Lewis, n.d.)

Upon making a decision using this approach, it is important to take into account the cost
and production that will become the basis of my business decision. Thus, this approach would be
helpful in making a decision on small changes in resources – how should I spend the next hour
and how should I spend the next earnings, as well as the changes in profit, and quantity of the
product purchased. Like for example, how should I spend the next hour after I finish with the
production of my product? How should I spend the next earnings if my products would sell and
after I earned an income? What will happen if the profit that comes into my business changes?
What actions or changes should I do or consider when that happens? Lastly, how can I manage
the total number of products purchased? Those are some of the business decisions I should
consider in making this approach.

In marginal analysis, continually increase the control variable to the point at which the
marginal cost is either equal to or greater than the marginal benefit. The reason for this is simple.
You can continue to experience some level of benefit, despite the increase in cost. In marginal
analysis you are weighing the benefits versus the cost. When the additional benefits received do
so at a greater cost per benefit, then you have reached the point where it is no longer reasonable
to change the control variable. (Lewis, n.d.)

Cost-effective analysis is a necessary tool to ensure that resources are being used as
wisely as possible. Determining which interventions are the most cost-effective requires an
understanding of which programs have worked, how much they cost, and how they were
executed. (Unite for Sight, n.d.)

In this approach, taking into consideration the in measuring costs like what price can be
set for my product, and how much capital should I invest into in order to produce my target
products in a given period of time. This is also comparing the relative costs of achieving the
same outcome using different activites. (Tool4dev, n.d.) Just like in my business, I have two
choices of products with different ingredients, but the health benefits of these two are just the

In conclusion, cost-effective analysis is an extremely useful tool for comparing

interventions and ensuring that valuable resources are being allocated in the best possible
way. However, because limitations and flaws can arise, it is important to carefully review all of
the factors that were included in the calculation and to consider other possibly influential factors.
(Unite for Sight, n.d.)

My company aims to yield at least 12 packs of all of my products. My products are
composed of two choices; these are the Figgie roll and Veggie roll. It takes 3 days to make a set
of Figgie roll while it only takes 2 days to make a set of Veggie roll, if Figgie roll costs PHP
250.00 and Veggie costs PHP 200.00, how many Figgie roll and Veggie roll can my company
produce within a month (30 days) to maximize my profit?

Let x = # of Figgie roll

Let y = # of Veggie roll

Max profit: P = 250x + 200y 16
0, 15
12 0, 12
Inequalities: 10

1) 3x + 2y = 30 days 8 (?,?)
2) x + y = 12 packs 6 6, 6
3) x > 0, y > 0 4
0 10, 0 12, 0
Solve: 0 5 10 15

1) 3x + 2y = 30 days

Let x = 0 Elimination in addition:

3(0) + 2y =30 3x + 2y = 30
-3 (x + y = 12) -3
2y = 30 2) x + y = 12
2 2 let x = 0 3x + 2y = 30
y = 15 0 + y = 12 -3x + -3y = -36
y = 12
-y = -6
let y = 0 y=6
let y = 0
3x + 2(0) = 30 x + 0 = 12
Substitute the value of (y)
3x = 30 x = 12 x + y = 12
3 3
x = 10 x + 6 = 12
x = 12-6



12 0, 12

6 6, 6

0 10, 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Evaluating 4 Quadrants
(0,12) (10,0) (0,0) (6,6)
P= 250x + 200y

(0,12) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P = 250(0) + 200(12)

By this analysis, I can
P = 0 + 2400
therefore conclude that
P = 2,400
the number of set that
(10,0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P = 250(10) + 200(0) my company should
P = 2,500 + 0 produce to maximize
P = 2,500 my profit is 6 sets of
(0,0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P = 250(0) + 200(0) Figgie roll and 6 sets
P=0+0 of Veggie roll.

(6,6) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P = 250(6) + 200(6)

P = 1,500 + 1,200

P = 2,700

Buy ingredients 60 minutes
Prepare ingredients: 40 minutes:
1. Cut the broccoli 5 minutes
2. Peel the squash 10 minutes
3. Peel the sweet potato 5 minutes
4. Scrape the fish 20 minutes
Boil the vegetables in a hot water 5 minutes
Blend all the ingredients together 3 minutes
Make a paste out of it and form it
15 minutes
into a hotdog shape
Packaging 6 minutes

8:00 – 9:00 – 9:40 – 9:45 – 9:48 – 10:03 –

ACTIVITY 9:00 AM 9:40 AM 9:45 AM 9:48 AM 10:03 AM 10:09 AM

Buy ingredients

Prepare ingredients

Boil the vegetables

in a hot water

Blend all the ingredients


Make a paste out of it and

form it into a hotdog shape


In this chart, the procedure and the time allotted for the production of the Figgie roll are shown. This chart
helps in identifying the amount of work to be done or production to be completed in certain periods of time in
relation to the amount planned for those periods. This also helps in making the product more easily because the
activities need to be done are already listed down. It can be done quickly as well by following the time-frame
presented in this chart.
10 | P a g e

(Program Evaluation Review Technique)


A Buy ingredients 60 minutes

B Prepare ingredients 40 minutes A

Boil the vegetables
C in a hot water 5 minutes B
Blend all the
D vegetables together 3 minutes C
Make a paste out of
E it and form it into a 15 minutes C&D
hotdog shape
F Packaging 6 minutes E

In this chart, the analyzed activities and representation of the series of events that
occur in the production timeline are shown. This chart helps evaluate the time and resources
required for a production. This is also a helpful tool in identifying the possibilities of success of
the production process.
11 | P a g e

(Critical Path Method)

0 A 60
0 60 60

60 B 100

60 40 100

100 C 105 105 D 108

100 5 105 105 3 108

108 E 123 123 F 129

108 15 123 123 6 129

Critical Path: A, B, C, D, E, & F

As seen in this method, all the activities are critical; therefore, the activities provided
with the set time are feasible. Through this method, the step-by-step production technique for
planning process is identified. This method helps define tasks that are listed orderly, and identify
the critical and non-critical relationships among tasks with the goal of preventing time-frame
problems and process failures. This also determines the expected completion or execution time
for each task.
12 | P a g e

Lewis, J. (n.d.). How to Make a Spending Decision with Marginal Analysis. Retrieved October 4,

2017 from

38351.html (n.d.). Top 10 Healthy Fish to Eat. Retrieved September 21, 2017 from (n.d.). What is MSG? Is it bad for you? Retrieved September 27, 2017 from

answers/monosodium-glutamate/faq-20058196 (n.d.). SWOT Analysis: Discover New Opportunities, Manage and Eliminate

Threats. Retrieved October 2, 2017 from (2014). 13 Amazing Benefits of Tuna Fish. Retrieved September 28, 2017 from (n.d.). How to do a basic cost-effective analysis. Retrieved October 4, 2017 from (2015). Top 10 Healthiest Vegetables in the Philippines. Retrieved September 21,

2017 from (2015). Decision Trees. Retrieved October 3, 2017 from (n.d.). Cost-Effective Analysis. Retrieved October 4, 2017 from

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