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Faviola Rosas


English Literature

01 March 2019

Blog 2 and Blog 3

For our capstone our group decided to make healthy recipes for people who are diabetic

and prediabetic. We decided to share our project by making 10 short Instagram videos so that

family and friends can share them with others. What we have done in our group so far is search

what types of foods we can incorporate in our recipes. Also we started creating the recipes and

testing them out to see which ones work and which ones don't. So far we have recorded and

edited three videos. We posted them on our Instagram page @healthyadvicee, that was created

by Paulina and we have gotten some comments on where we bought the food and other things.

Finding healthy recipes that don't involve much time but can also be delicious was quite a

struggle. We have also found it very difficult to find certain ingredients, we were on the look not

for special oils but specific ones that had to be used, for this we did look up the healthiest

alternative. For some of our recipes we had to switch out some foods because they weren’t

available. At the end the recipes turned out better than we expected not only were they healthy

but they also tasted delicious. We asked my grandmother for help since she is diabetic, she was a

great help she told us what foods she could and couldn’t eat. We have accomplished a lot in the

past month, we made and recorded some recipes as well as shared them on Instagram. All we

have to do left is make the rest of the videos and come up with fun and delicious recipes. We will

accomplish this by working on them during the weekends for 5 hours to come up with recipes

and record them and edit them.

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