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From the Office of the Northwest Territory Alliance Patternmaster Tilghman Coat #233

Tench Tilghman Coat - #233

Provenance: Passed down through the family.
Location Today: On exhibit at the Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, Maryland.
Period of the Coat: Dated by the family 1779-1781, however, likely to be older.
Description: The uniform coat is dark blue broadcloth. The facings are buff and of the same
material. The lining is of the same color as the facings, but is of shalloon. The buttons are gilt
and unmarked. The coat is exhibited with buff-colored breeches.

Drawing by Donald W. Holst, Maryland Historical Society, and is reproduced in Harold

Peterson’s Book of the Continental Soldier, Promontory Press, 1968, p. 226.

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