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Agilni timovi

Startit, 7. februar 2019

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scrum: Agile Paradigm Shift Metaphor
Relay Race Rugby approach - Scrum

@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
Agile V Scrum
● Agilno je šire od Scruma
● Agilni timovi ne moraju biti nužno Scrum timovi
● Kažu da su dizajnirani tako povećaju fleksibilnost, kreativnost i produktivnost?

@jazilla @agilehumans
Kvalitet integracija?

@jazilla @agilehumans
Quick Fix

@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
Agilni timovi pre svega čuvaju...




@jazilla @agilehumans

@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
business development
what and why? how?

@jazilla @agilehumans
Agilno je kultura
We are uncovering better ways of developing
software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value:

● Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
● Working software over comprehensive documentation
● Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
● Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on

the right, we value the items on the left more.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Svaki tim koji uspeva da...
● isporučuje (valuable) proizvod rano, često i kontinuirano
● prihvata i integriše promene zahteva (welcoming change), čak i one kasne
● dnevno sarađuje sa poslovnim sektorom
● poklanja pažnju tehničkoj izvrsnosti i dobrom dizajnu
● komunicira efikasno/efektivno (face-to-face)
● sam se organizuje
● veruje da je softver koji radi glavna mera uspeha
● čuva motivaciju članova tima
● ima sistem inspect i adapt i u pogledu ponašanja u timu (retrospektiva)
● ume da razdvoji “žito od kukolja” i maksimizuje količinu neurađenog posla

@jazilla @agilehumans
Last but not Least
Agilan tim je onaj tim koji ima podršku.

Agini tim je onaj tim kom se ukazuje poverenje “to get the job done”.

Agilan tim je onaj koji dobro razume prve vrednost Agilnog manifesta.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scrum Team
Product Owner

Development Team

Scrum Master

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scrum Team

1 Product Owner

1 Scrum Master

5-9 Team Members

@jazilla @agilehumans
Nobody else is on the team
Stakeholders are chickens. PO, SM and Dev Team are pigs.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scrum Master Role - Responsibilities
● Promoting and supporting Scrum by helping everyone
understand Scrum theory, practices, rules and values (coaching,
explaining the rules)
● Ensuring that the team is fully functional and productive
● Removing the barriers, increasing transparency, and the culture
inspect and adapt
● Enabling close cooperation across all roles and functions
● Inviting to ceremonies, facilitating Scrum events
● Shielding the team from external interferences

@jazilla @agilehumans
Product Owner Role - Responsibilities
● The sole person responsible for managing the Product Backlog
● Represents and manages stakeholders
● Responsible for maximizing the value of the product - for ROI
● Presents and clarifies the product vision to the dev team
● Prioritizes the product backlog, stays open to negotiation
● Empowers the team, stays engaged
● Accepts or rejects work results
● Manages uncertainty and maintains commitment: can remove but
can't add work during the iteration

@jazilla @agilehumans
Development Team

The Development Team consists of

professionals who do the work of delivering
a potentially releasable Increment of “Done”
product at the end of each Sprint

Only members of the Development

Team create the Increment
Development Team - Responsibilities
● Self-organized - nobody (not even the Scrum Master) tells the Development Team
how to turn Product Backlog into Increments of potentially releasable functionality
○ The team estimates how much time
○ The team decides how much work it can do in an iteration
○ The team decides how to do work in an iteration
○ The team measures its own performance
● Cross-functional, with all the skills as a team necessary to create a product
○ There are no sub-teams
○ If too small, decreased interaction and skill constraints
○ If more than 9, requires too much coordination and complexity
Daily Scrum from Hell

● Jedan Scrum Master

● 7-8 članova tima
● Svako ima zadatak kako da minira Daily
● 1 ima zadatak da odgovori kako treba
● Ostali posmatraju i pokušavaju da shvate ulogu
Distributed Teams

● Use tools that provide visibility and

● Organize face-to-face meetings
whenever possible
● Establish available hours with as
much overlap as possible Co-locate
team as often as possible.
● Don’t let anyone go dark.
@jazilla @agilehumans
Scrum Values

@jazilla @agilehumans
High Performing Teams
Google Teams
The data demonstrate psychological safety is critical, said Welle.
Psychological safety Members feel they can be vulnerable. They know their ideas and opinions will be respected
and considered, even when they conflict with those of the rest of the team.

Dependability Members are confident their coworkers will deliver what they are supposed to when they are
supposed to.

Structure and clarity Members understand their roles and the roles of others, and the goals of the team overall.

Meaning Members feel that what they are working on is important to them personally.

Impact Members believe what they are doing will have a positive effect on the organization and the

@jazilla @agilehumans
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning
@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team | Patrick Lencioni

@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
Unutrašnji i spoljašnji faktori destabilizacije timova

● Stilovi ponašanja ● Tri tima dele iOS developera

● Samo-ostvarenje ● Četiri tima dele dizajnera
● Umešnost rešavanja konflikata ● Srcrum Master i QA u jednoj osobi
● ... ● Remote rad
● Multitasking
● nastavite niz?

@jazilla @agilehumans
The Team Responsibility Game
Startit, 27. februar 2019

@jazilla @agilehumans
Team Game
Global Scrum Gathering
Berin 2014


@jazilla @agilehumans

Svaki tim ima balon i konopac.

@jazilla @agilehumans
● učesnici se grupišu u timove od 7 ●
● svaki član tima ima svoj broj od 1 do
7 (član tima br. 1, član tima br. 2. itd.)
● svaki učesnik hvata konopac po
krugu s obe ruke
● učesnici prave mrežu od konopca
ukršaćuji ga međusobno, mreža
treba da može da nosi balon
● asistenti stavljaju balon na mrežu.
Zadatak tima je da ne dozvoli da
balon stagnira niti padne ni u jednom
scenariju koji kreira fasilitator.
@jazilla @agilehumans
Fasilitator i scenarija
Fasilitator vodi timove kroz niz scenarija i

U svakom scenariju, tim prati instrukcije koje

daje fasilitator trudeći se zadrži balon na mreži.

U svakom scenariju balon treba da bude u

laganom pokretu kao i svi timovi.

@jazilla @agilehumans
● iskustvo podeljene odgovornosti

● ilustracija tima kao sistema u kom svaki deo utiče na sve druge delove

● otkriva nezdravu dinamiku tima

● ilustruje kroz igru neke efekte disfunkcionalnog ponašanja u timu

● lako se prenosi u realan svet i dobra je osnova za diskusiju

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scenario broj 1
Član tima broj 1 misli da sve mora da uradi sam. Bez njega će se sve raspasti.
Član tima broj 1 preuzima na sebe 130% odgovornosti i vuče konopac na svoju

Član tima broj 1. Kaže sebi: Moram sve sam. Propašće bez mene. I vuče, vuče da
što više postigne.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scenario broj 2
Član tima broj 2 je preumoram, smoren. Samo što nije dao otkaz. Prepušta
odgovornost drugima i labavo drži konopac, sporo se kreće, pruža otpor.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scenario broj 3
Članovi tima 3 i 6 imaju konflikt i svako vuče na svoju stranu držeći čvrsto


član tima broj 4 napušta svoj tim i pridružuje se drugom timu jer je ekspert i
potreban je drugom timu na kratko.

Članovi timova broj 4 napustite svoje timove i pridružite se drugom timu.

Članovi timova 3 i 6 i dalje vuku svak na svoju stranu.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scenario broj 4
Članovi timova 5 i 7 menjaju uloge.

Članovi timova 5 i 7 promenite mesto.

Istovremeno, član tima 1 je ekspert potreban i drugom timu. Počinje da radi u dva
tima istovremenom.

Član tima 1 pušta konopac jednom rukom i hvata konopac drugog tima tom

@jazilla @agilehumans
Scenario 5
Član tima broj 3 i 5 rade remotely.

Članovi timova 3 i 5, zažmurite.

Istovremeno, član tima broj 4 vraća se u stari tim.

@jazilla @agilehumans
Ovo je zaista moć na igra za dramatizaciju onoga što se dešava timovima koji nisu
usaglašeni ili im spoljašnji faktori ne dopuštaju da se fokusiraju na cilj.
Razmislite o tome kako scenarija iz igre odražavaju realan život.
● Kako su promene uticale na tim?
● Šta konopci simbolizuju?
● Ima li ličnosti sa realnim načinom rada?
● Da li smo prisutni u timu na način koji želimo i koji služi svrsi?
● Kako se brinemo o zajedničkom cilju?
● Kakva bolna zapažanja našeg trenutnog načina rada postaju vidljiva?
● Šta bismo promenili i kako?

@jazilla @agilehumans
@jazilla @agilehumans
Any Given Sunday
Tony D'Amato (Al Pacino) delivers his
inspirational "Inches" speech in the 1999
film Any Given Sunday.
“Either we heal as a team or we gonna

“I can’t make you do it. You gotta look at

the guy next to you. Look into his eyes.
Now I think you gonna see a guy who will
go that inch with you. You’re gonna see a
guy who will sacrifice himself for this team
because he knows when it comes down to
it you’re gonna do the same for him.
That’s a team, gentlemen!”

@jazilla @agilehumans
Jasmina Nikolić | Agile Humans
Twitter: @jazilla | @agilehumans

Email: |

Skype: jazilla

FB: dzessy

LinkedIn: jazilla


@jazilla @agilehumans

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