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This is a tandem course for Basic Communication 7. However, it focuses on the macro skills of reading and
The purpose of this course is for students to further develop their level of English communication skills, prim
arily reading and writing to an intermediate level. This will be accomplished through interaction with their cla
ssmates and various classroom activities. This course will focus on providing students with opportunities to
process plenty of meaning-focused input in the form of reading materials from their textbooks and outside so
urces. This course will also provide opportunities for students to improve their faculties in meaning-focused
output through various written activities. Students will also learn the basics of written English rhetoric and re
ading strategies. Finally, students will be given opportunities to improve fluency in both reading and writing t
hrough class activities.
By the end of this course students will be able to:
Increase their sight vocabulary of English vocabulary through vocabulary quizzes.
Improve speed-reading and reading fluency through fluency-based exercises.
Acquire knowledge and application of basic English written rhetoric.
Increase writing fluency.

Concerning the goal for the CASEC score (Students who have studied abroad = 700; other students = 600)
1. Introductions / Course overview
2. Unit 5. Physiology - Reading
3. Unit 5. Physiology - Writing
4. Unit 5. Physiology - Review
5. Unit 6. Ethics - Reading
6. Unit 6. Ethics - Writing
7. Unit 6. Ethics – Review / review for test
8. Mid-term test
9. Unit 7. Behavioral Science - Reading
10. Unit 7. Behavioral Science - Writing
11. Unit 7. Behavioral Science - Review
12. Unit 8. Psychology - Reading
13. Unit 8. Psychology - Writing
14. Unit 8. Psychology – Review
15. Review
16. Final test

The basic class structure is comprised of vocabulary quizzes, textbook work, and supplementary activities d
esigned to facilitate the language used in the textbook. Students will also engage in fluency-based activities
and group work.
Students will have to do regular homework exercises from the workbooks and review the weekly vocabulary
lists through word card practices.

The textbook is the same as Basic communication 6

Lynn, S. Q: Skills for success: Reading and writing 1: Second Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 97801
94818384. 3,300

A folder with plastic sheets

Pens / pencils
Word cards
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1. Quizzes - 15%
2. In-class tasks - 20%
3. Writing tasks - 15%
4. Homework tasks -15%
5. Mid-term test - 10%
6. Final test - 15%
7. Online component - 10%




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