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John 8:31-37 "Freedom"

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says: Paul said this to the elders at the church at
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for Ephesus, "... I have not hesitated to proclaim to you
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves
righteousness, so that the man of God may be and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made
thoroughly equipped for every good work. you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God,
which he bought with his own blood.” (Acts 20:27-28)
My spirit has been vexed for a few weeks now so
I've struggled in prayer to find out why. The reason I have to preach this message is
Like most of you, I almost always know when because I am your pastor.
something is troubling me. I've been charged with the responsibility to
But sometimes I'm kind of thick headed and don't proclaim the whole will of God to you because God
always figure it out immediately. has made me overseer of this flock.
It's during those times when I don't catch on that The writer of Hebrews says I will have to give an
something has vexed my spirit that I end up hearing account. (Hebrews 13:17)
things like this: "You sure have been grumpy
lately." Or, "You've been snapping at people. Why I want you to understand something: you are His
are you so irritable?" Or, "You're using that 'tone' flock, bought by His blood, yet he has entrusted
with people again." your care to me.
And, yes, for those of you who haven't heard it, I Now, I don't want you to think I'm being arrogant;
do have a "tone" I tend to use when I get frustrated. I'm not.
I can't describe it, but if you've ever heard it you'll It's a biblical truth that God calls pastors to
know! specific congregations.
For those of you with whom I've used that tone, I Had God not called me, I wouldn't be here.
want to offer my public apology right now. So, because I'm your pastor I hope you'll see that I
It's not my purpose to offend you or upset have your best interest at heart.'s been a part of me all my life. It's my responsibility as pastor to help you know
I can offer praise to God, though, because he's the truth, because the truth will set you free.
still refining my character.
My "tone" is one of those areas God is working Some of you will be encouraged by today's
on. message.
You'll be encouraged because you'll learn some
Having said all that, let me share with you why new biblical truths and you'll be prepared to put
my spirit has been vexed. those truths into practice.
Some messages are easy to preach. For some of you, today's message will come in the
They are uplifting, edifying, encouraging; they are form of a mild rebuke.
just a joy to preach. Others of you will find yourself getting angry.
Others aren't so easy to preach. And you'll direct your anger toward me.
In fact, there are some messages I'd rather not That's o.k.
preach. Did you know that when sheep get angry they
It's sort of like when God told Jonah to go to often butt the shepherd?
Nineveh and preach...he didn't want to so he went I want to apologize in advance to those of you
the other direction. who might be offended by today's message.
That's how it is with some messages. It's not my intention to upset anybody, but I am
But the fact is that some messages have to be compelled to proclaim the truth.
preached whether I want to or not.
This is one of them. Let me tell you something I read about shepherds
in the Middle East.
They are always in front of their sheep.
They aren't like a cattle ranchers, who ride behind As your pastor, it’s my desire and my goal to give
their cows, driving them on and pushing them you the best, as the Holy Spirit leads.
forward. That's a little bit about shepherds.
No, a shepherd walks in front of his sheep, But a shepherd wouldn't be a shepherd if he didn't
leading them in the direction of greener pastures have sheep, so here's a little bit about sheep.
and an abundant supply of cool, fresh drinking
water. Some sheep have a habit of trying to find the best
Why? grazing areas on their own.
Because it's his responsibility to feed his sheep, They'll be munching and walking, munching and
and he wants them to have the best grass and the walking, always trying to find the best grass.
best water he can give them. They tend to be totally oblivious to what's
He leads them to the best! happening around them.
They are interested in eating.
Another interesting thing about shepherds is that If they happen to be by a cliff, and the grass is
they usually name their sheep. good, they'll eat themselves right over the cliff.
Each sheep has it's own name.
Do you know how a shepherd gathers his sheep The shepherd keeps watch over his sheep, and
when several flocks of sheep are grazing together? when they get close to the dangerous edge, he'll
The shepherd starts walking, and while he's bring them back to safer ground.
walking, he calls his sheep by name. Sometimes a pastor has to do that.
And they follow him. What do I mean by that?
Sometimes committed Christians get tunnel
A shepherd is also responsible for protecting his vision.
sheep. What I mean is that they might focus in on one or
When sheep are corralled for the night, the two biblical truths and forget about other biblical
shepherd would sleep at the entrance to the truths.
sheepfold, to protect his sheep from wolves. For example, we believe that once you're saved,
If they were left out to pasture, a watchtower was you're always saved.
often erected, from which approaching danger could That's a biblical truth.
be easily seen. But, if you get too entrenched in that truth, you'll
neglect another important truth that says when
Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd. (John 10) you're saved you can't live the way you used to.
The writer of Hebrews calls him "that Great It's dangerous to think that when you're saved you
Shepherd of the sheep." can live life the way you always have.
Listen to what he writes, "May the God of peace, It's the pastor's responsibility to lead you to those
who through the blood of the eternal covenant other biblical truths so you'll have a healthy,
brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that balanced diet.
great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with Then you will know the truth, and the truth will
everything good for doing his will, and may he set you free.
work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus
Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." Some sheep like it where they are.
(Hebrews 13:20) They'll find one spot and not move at all.
Jesus has entrusted some to be shepherds of his When the grass is gone, they won't move unless
flock. the shepherd moves them, and then they aren't
"...he gave some ... to be pastors and teachers, to really happy about it, so they tend to gradually find
prepare God's people for works of service, so that their way back to their "favorite spot."
the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach They run the risk of starving.
unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of Some folks want to hear the truth but not apply it.
God and become mature, attaining to the whole They're happy just coming to church Sunday after
measure of the fulness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:11-13) Sunday, singing hymns and listening to the
message, but they won't move.
What I mean by that is that they have become Everything after that is a written history of how
complacent with their place in the kingdom. God has dealt with his creation to restore a
They don't want any more. relationship broken by sin.
They don't want commitment; they don't care You see, it's not about my way or your way or
much about getting the best God has for them. somebody else’s way.
They're just happy getting what they get. It's not about what I want or what you want or
what anybody else wants.
Now, the difference between shepherding sheep It's about what God wants.
and shepherding people is that, if you were sheep, I What He wants for us as individuals; what He
could pick you up and move you to greener pastures wants for us as a church.
and cooler, more refreshing water. Some of you here today fall into the category of
But you are people. black sheep.
I can only offer you those deeper biblical truths You've ignored your Heavenly Shepherd and
and encourage you to apply them, but I can't force you've ignored his messengers.
you to. You're so hung up on you that you won't let the
I can't make you be all God wants you to be. truth set you free.
That's your choice.
Some of you talk so much during worship that
Some sheep are "black sheep." you can't possibly hear the truth that will set you
I'm not talking about color...I'm talking about free.
attitude. You talk from the time you enter the church
Black sheep generally ignore the shepherd. building until the time you leave the church
They are going to do their own thing no matter building.
what the shepherd does. Not only do you not hear God's truth, you prohibit
If the shepherd leads one way, they'll go another. others from hearing God's truth.
If the shepherd calls them, they'll pretend not to
hear! Some of you walk so much so that, at best, you
Some well-meaning church people are black only get bits and pieces of God's truth.
sheep. You are in and out of the service so much that you
They are going to do their own thing, their own become a distraction to those around you who
way and you best not get in their way. desire to know the truth.
Black sheep will try to get as many other sheep to It's has always amazed me how small a person's
join them as they can. bladder gets at 11:00 on a Sunday morning.
The problem with that is that it's always And I've not yet understood how such thirst sets
detrimental to the rest of the flock. in during a worship service.
And it puts the flock in grave danger. I assume it must be the singing that causes a
You see, black sheep will often try to get the flock person to be so thirsty that they just can't wait until
to go where they want to go, and that might not be the worship service is over to head for the water
the safest place to go. fountain.
It might be a place dangerously close to the cliff,
or a place without sufficient food and water. Some of you leave and don't come back.
It might be a place overcome by wolves. You don't even make an attempt to hear God's
With black sheep it's a "me" thing. truth.
How can a person apply God's truth when they
Let me give you another biblical truth: It’s not a won't hear it?
“me” thing.
It's not about me, and it's not about you. Brothers and Sisters, you can't possibly know how
It's about Jesus. it troubles my soul to know that some of you won't
You know what Genesis 1:1 says? embrace the truth that will set you free.
"In the beginning, God..." And if it troubles my soul, how much more so
does it trouble Jesus, who gave it all up for you?
Paul said, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are
Lord will be saved." How, then, can they call on the really my disciples. Then you will know the truth,
one they have not believed in? And how can they and the truth will set you free."
believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching What did Jesus teach?
to them? And how can they preach unless they are What are some of His truths?
sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of 1. Love God with all your heart, mind, and
those who bring good news!" But not all the strength, yet so many other things in life
Israelites accepted the good news. For Isaiah says, compete for that love…and win. Oh, how
"Lord, who has believed our message?" easy it is for so many other things to win our
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the affections.
message, and the message is heard through the 2. Love one another, yet we hate people simply
word of Christ.” (Romans 10:13-17) because they might be different. They might
not be the same color. They might not be in
We’ve been given good news! the same socioeconomic class. They might
 We can be freed from our sin. not be as smart. They might not be as good-
 We can be forgiven. looking. They might not share our same
 Our relationship with our creator can be beliefs.
restored. 3. Do unto others as you would have them do
 We can experience love the way God unto you, yet if we don’t get our way we pout
meant for love to be experienced. and take our ball and go home. We’ve bought
This is good news! into the cultural lie that says, “do unto others
before they do it to you…because they will.”
Pastors proclaim that good news from their pulpits 4. Each one should use whatever gift he has
Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, but so few received to serve others, faithfully
people want to hear it. administering God’s grace in its various
Even less want to apply it to their lives. forms. (1 Peter 4:10) Yet so often we serve simply
to be recognized for that service.
Have you ever wondered why people don’t come
to church anymore? We are no different than the unchurched people
Overwhelmingly, unchurched people say that we say we are trying to reach.
church isn’t relevant. The Bible says that we are no longer to be that
This is what they say: “I don’t need a church to be way.
like you. I already am.” If you know the truth, the truth will set you free.
What a harsh indictment on the church: that we You’ve heard the truth.
are no different that the unchurched. Will you be set free today?
We look the same; we smell the same; we eat the
same foods; we go to the same places; we rent the
same movies; we act the same.
What makes matters even worse is that churched
people say they don’t need church for the same
reasons the unchurched say they don’t need church:
It’s not relevant.
It’s not relevant because Christians are no longer
making a difference in their world.
We go along with the flow in the name of
tolerance, but the fact is that we simply don’t know
God’s truth.
And in so many cases we don’t want to know
because we don’t want anybody upsetting our

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