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and lower the paddle to verify the changein the electrical resistance.and.

Paddle down =
1450 ohms - Paddle up = 0.04. Reconnect the cable from the sensor to the DAQ (See
diagram)Calibration in the DAQ:Minimum calibration:Without flow and with the paddle
upbelow, accept the value ofRAWS MIN; this is ours0% RAWS acceptablefound between
(150-400)Maximum calibration:Lift the whole palette, upup, and accept the readingcurrent
)as RAWS MAX;This is our 100%. RAWSacceptable are foundBetween (2000- 2600

‫ينتبالرتنشيسرتنالسينتب شنتسيىرتشسيتنراشسيباراثق شنتثبىللتنشبتلشتقل‬

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