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English Task

The member of group : Azizah Gusti Ayu (P1337437118007)

Tyas Laras Ati (P1337437118024)

Class : 1A medical record and health information

 Living in a big cities or a small town

I’d prefer living in a big cities to a small town. Because,the first aspect is work.
As a health worker, especially a medical record staff more work opportunities in a
big cities than in small town. In big cities there are many health service places
comparend to small cities that are only a few. The second aspect is regional minimun
wages. in big cities are higher than a small town. Regional minimun wages in big
cities especially for diploma three medical record and health information it is 4 up
to 7 million per month. While in a small town only 2 up to 5 million per month. The
next aspect is cost of living. Indeed the cost of living in a big cities is higher than in
a small town, but that did not become a problem because it could be balanced with
the salary obtained in a big cities was also higher. The last aspect is work experience.
If you work in a big cities, you can get more experience than working in a small
town. Working as a medical record staff in a big cities you will face varieties of
challenges, with these challenges, a medical record staff will get more working

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