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We can have good effect / result (how it can be increased?

We can have bad effect / result (how it can be avoided?)
It is easy to have above knowledge.

But knowledge of laws, which create effects / results on human life, demands higher
intelligence (purity and depth of intelligence).

Not necessary to know working principle but enough to know application is also
Its Divine Scripture and human can advance his life by having proper knowledge
(Yatharth Gyan) of it.

We can have effect of objects which are nearby as well as very far.
Subtle particles / liquid always flows from every living object.
We think that space is empty but very subtle particles are continuously flowing through
this space with wonderful movements. Like light particles are flowing from Sun to Earth.
Particles gets attracted to identical / similar particles to create matching relationship
(sajatiya sambandh) and yields positive (anukul) effects, whereas it gets repelled from
opposite particles to create hostile relationship (vijatiya sambandh) and yields into
negative (pratikul) effects.

Maya is triad so as its working field i.e. this world is also triad.
Every object can be categorised into Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik.
S / R / T object gets nurtured by more S / R / T object.
Object is nurtured / fed by higher object i.e. object having same quality with higher
So everything is connected and affects each other.

It doesn't mean that any object is ruled by higher object. But It is certainly ruled by any
object if it don't use its intelligence to avoid bad effect of higher object.
It can win higher object applying efforts using intelligence.
Example is man don't suffer from rain as he uses his intelligence to built home but
animals are suffered due to lake of intelligence.

Silly people (without lack of intelligence) are ruled by higher object and blame their luck
whereas intelligent people apply intelligence to study their luck (i.e. current and future
effect of higher object on them), start efforts using intelligence so don't get ruled by
higher object but on contrary they rule higher object.

Know your nature (strength and weakness) and characteristics (useful and useless
attributes). If one starts efforts to strengthen useful attributes and to weaken useless
attributes then he can experience physical, mental, spiritual and economical
advancement in his life.
For ease of study and application try to categorise and club attributes.

We can not find person who has neither 100% demerits nor 100% merits. Man has
mixture of Merits and Demerits. Even though world believes that you are useless but you
certainly have certain very high powers by born which if known and nurtured properly
than you become Enlighten or Super Human or what you want (mahapurush). You can
have unusual victory and eternal happiness but these high powers are suppressed by
ignorance, weakness and laziness. You need to know these high powers and weakness,
then needs to nurture power and win weakness by efforts. Will and enthusiasm will take
you from failure to success and happiness.

Wish for higher - One has to produce powerful will / desire in mind for aim of higher.
Remember, alive (jagrat) and produce will / desire multiple times with intensity in mind
(antahkarn) when wake up and go to sleep.
Never loose sight - Never loose sight from higher will / desire / aim till it gets fulfilled.
Keep Faith - Keep will / desire / aim live and have faith that it will get succeed.
Above three things are necessary 1. Higher Aim 2. Patience 3. Firm Faith.

World is filled with God (God is present in this world) hence it is ocean of happiness,
peace, prosperity, health, etc. So in such world, if one does not make efforts and keep
faith then God doesn't help him. No one loves and helps crying men. Nothing is attracted
to the environment created by him.

God helps to person having

1. Higher Aim
2. Patience
3. Keep Prasannata when failure approaches
4. Don't blame luck in failure
5. Make intelligent efforts (with available intelligence) with enthusiasm
6. Firm Faith

Every action has cause so as every happiness and misery has cause and this cause is
not separate from man living in hell or heaven but its lies within him i.e. his mind.

Mind collects the various content with its efforts and attracts effects towards its content
which are either strengthen content or weaken its content.

Abandon efforts which attracts adverse events in life.

Purify mind and start auspicious efforts so adverse events can be avoided and
successful events gets attracted and make life happy.

Understanding of this simple thing doesn't require high intellect but still man doesn't start
to purify mind which is real reason for misery.

Knowledge of useful and harmful effects will not help any way but efforts to weaken
harmful attributes and to strengthen useful attributes is purpose.

Points to impress on mind (antahkaran) - Misery is result of my inappropriate karma of

past. No one else is responsible but now onwards I will not allow my karma to give pain
to myself. I will destroy and repair it from my own efforts. I am my own master. Why
should I hurt myself? I should get victory and happiness both. Efforts is my option to way
out. I will start my efforts from this moment onwards, destroy weakness and cultivate

It is useful to think any analyse faults of past and bad effect of it. But never nurture
negativity. Don't go into shell as you have support of God and alchemical tool of efforts.
Mind has infinite power it can unite heaven and hell both but when? When once do
intelligent efforts with patience and faith.

Produce guts / bravery to produce efforts, don't consider yourself looser. Don't
underestimate yourself.

Never keep on thinking weakness. You yourself invite and allow misery. Its your
inappropriate thinking and action otherwise no one can harm you.

Produce guts to produce efforts. Don't reply on others. Start your own efforts. Keep faith
on your guts and continue efforts and you can alone win world.

Forget bad past and fear of future. Keep picture of happiness on mind (vruti) and do
efforts in present moment. Sage Vashisth says that even though you seems human but
you are animal if you don't make efforts and keep yourself luck dependent.

You are divine fragment of God and able to become God so why don’t you make efforts?
You have whatever God have, you are surrendered to illusion. You have marvellous and
extraordinary powers beyond imagination so why doubt yourself? God has created Vyas,
Shankar, Arjuna and he has created you. God doesn't discriminate. You have whatever
they have. So kick your laziness, prepare yourself and enter into field of doing with guts.

But what stops you becoming? Its 6 weakness.

kama — lust
krodha — anger
lobh — greed
moha — delusory emotional attachment or temptation
mada — pride, hubris
matsarya — envy, jealousy
Analyse yourself, understand weakness and win it. Take the help of way.

Our improper desire and improper mind weakness is biggest hinderance to success.
Dominance of weakness attracts bad effects. But when we win those weakness at that
time they help us to advance.

Fire, wind and electricity are seen faculties and man has completed many task by using
them. There are many unseen faculties if we use them then we can accomplish many
more things. Use way for help.

Way is true art and science. It doesn't make man lazy but it realise him his potential,
make him effort oriented and lead to success. It doesn't give false hope but gives proper
road map to achieve success. It has its own principle and determinations.

Ignore the persons who doubts the way. Intelligent person doesn't abandon way once he
is convinced.

We can avoid many misery by proper application of way. Man is hypnotised by senses
hence subject to misery. One who is free from hypnotism and keep himself in his true
self is free.

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