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CHAPTER 7 —- FREEFORMING In this chapter, you will learn how to create freeform models in NX 10. Up to this point, you have leamed different ways to create models by using Form Features or by Sketching. Freeform modeling involves creating solids in the form of surfaces particularly the B-surface. Because of their construction techniques and design applications, these surfaces are usually stylistic. A few freeform features are shown below. Swept ‘To create Freeform Features, you first need a set of points, curves, edges of sheets or solids, faces of sheets or solids, or other objects. The following sections cover some of the methods that you can use to create solids using some of the freeform features. 7.1 OVERVIEW The Freeform Features in NX 10 are grouped under various menus and located in the INSERT menu, There are a lot of ways in which you can create Freeform Features from the existing geometry you have like points, edges, curves, ete. These options are located at various places like Menu Insert —Surface/Mesh Surface/Sweep/Flange Surface and Menu Edit Surface for more advanced options A few of the menus that are more useful are discussed below. [NX 10 for Engineering Design Missouri University of Science and Technology 7.1.1 Creating Freeform Features from Points In the case where the geometry you are constructing or pre- ware 2 et existing data includes only points, you may be able to use fone of these three options to build the feature from the given points. > Click on Insert Surface TP vour point surface: ityou have four comer points. o Through Points: if the points form a rectangular array. [© reom Pots: ifdeined points form a rectangular array tangential to the lines passing through them. 7.1.2 Creating Freeform Features from Section Strings If construction geometry contains strings of connected objects (curves and edges), you may be able to use one of these two options to build the feature. Tau sweep gj Through curves, Flange Surface * Through Curve Mesh CAM Data Preparation »/& Sudio surface... N @ Nsided Surface > Click on Insert >Mesh Surface Q Ruled: Used if two strings are roughly parallel Ruled Suing q Through Curves: Used if the three or more strings are a — roughly parallel. (WE If construction geometry contains two or more strings (curves, faces, edges) that are roughly parallel to each other, and one or more section strings that are roughly perpendicular to the first set of curves (guides), you may be able to use one of these following options to build the feature. NX 10 for Engineering Design Missouri University of Science and Technology ez 5 suings Through Curve Mesh: Used if at least four section a strings exist with at least two strings in each direction (parallel and perpendicular). Through Curve Mesh 2 strings ; Sting 2 Swept: Used if at least two section strings are roughly Suet perpendicular (choose Insert Sweep). sting 7 7.1.3 Creating Freeform Features from Faces Ifthe construction geometry contains a sheet or face, you may be able to use one of the following two options to build the feature > Click on Insert >Ofiset/Seale ug Offset Surface: Use this option if you have a face to offset. Offset Surface > Click on the Insert >Flnage Surface Extension BF extension: Use this option if you have a face and edges, edge curves, or curves on the face. Extensions 7.2 FREEFORM FEATURE MODELING Let us do some freeform modeling on structured points, a point cloud, curves and faces, Structured points are a set of point’s defined rows and columns. A point cloud has a set of scattered points that form a cloud, [NX 10 for Engineering Design Missouri University of Science and Technology

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