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seem to show a worldwide growing

The sociology of separateness of the different categories of the

urban public spaces population (United Nations Human

Settlements Programme. 2004). Today, for a
number of planners, public space thus appears
Stéphane Tonnelat as an important means to alleviate these ills
while at the same time addressing emerging
Associate Researcher CNRS, CRH-LAVUE
issues such as the imperative of sustainable
Research Center, Paris
development and social justice. This paper
proposes to review the diverse movements that
In WANG Hongyang, SAVY Michel and
contribute to the renewed interest in public
ZHAI Guofang (eds.), Territorial Evolution
and Planning Solution: Experiences from
China and France, Paris, Atlantis Press, 2010.
1.1. What is public space?
In urban planning, public space has historically
been described as "open space", meaning the
This paper identifies, through a brief review of streets, parks and recreation areas, plazas and
a variety of urban spaces in France and in the other publicly owned and managed outdoor
USA, the street, the shopping mall, the train spaces, as opposed to the private domain of
station, the café, the square and the garden, housing and work. However, the recent
two main questions facing designers and evolutions of the forms of urban settlement and
scholars of public space today: How to the growing number and variety of semi-public
conceive spaces that are at once accessible to spaces managed by private-public or entirely
everyone and which also foster a sense of private partnerships questions this notion
shared concern, the emergence of a local inherited from a legal perspective. Somehow
public sphere? today, public space needs to be understood as
different from the public domain of the state
and its subdivisions, but rather as a space
Keywords: Public space, public sphere,
accessible to the public. In terms of law, it is
accessibility, communication, design of public
perhaps closer to the older concept of the
space, France, USA.
"commons", although we have to recognize
that today, at least in the western world, every
1. Why are public spaces so bit of land is now regulated by the laws of
important today in the property making it difficult to consider
practice of urban planning? anything as common without encountering an
entitled owner and manager (Blackmar 2006).
In the last 20 years, public spaces have
In fact, the notion of public space is
acquired a renewed visibility in the French
perhaps better captured by the social sciences.
urban planning world (Billiard 1988; Jolé
Here two separate conceptions have been until
2002). Briefly put, the general opinion is that
now leading an almost independent existence.
public spaces are an essential ingredient to the
In political philosophy, the concept of the
sustainability of cities for political, social,
public has drawn an important inspiration from
economic, public health and biodiversity
the notions of the Greek agora and the Roman
reasons (Banerjee, 2001). However, the
forum, taken as ideal models of public arenas
dominating trend observed by many is one of
where the public affairs of the city are
shrinkage rather than expansion of the public
discussed among an assembly of equal
realm. Diverse processes of privatization have
citizens. For Hannah Arendt (1958), our
given rise in the last half century to an array of
western civilizations have only gone down
city forms less and less amenable to the daily
since this golden age of democracy. However,
copresence of a diversity of urbanites.
for Jürgen Habermas (1989) building on
Suburbanization and highways, "theme park
Immanuel Kant's work, forums of public
development", technologies of surveillance,
discussion have re-emerged in the 18th century
shopping malls, gated communities and
under the guise of the bourgeois salons, thus
condominiums, all testify to an ongoing
re-enacting a public sphere, of course less
enclosure of the urban world (Low and Smith
2006). Accordingly, global indicators of situated in space than the agora, but able to
question and challenge the actions of the
segregation (class, race and ethnicity, gender)
monarchs and the state. However, this

enlightened democracy doesn't rest on the public space, I propose to review several
physical public spaces of the city. It is questions raised by distinct forms of public
contained in private meeting rooms. The only spaces in France and in the USA: the street, the
foray into publicly accessible space has been commercial center, the café and the square, the
through the cafes and, more recently, on the train station, and finally, the park. The "street"
more visible but still placeless pages of the will help us examine the relationship between
Internet. Can gathering places, from plazas to public space and the form of the city.
cafés, be considered public according to this Commercial centers raise the question of
definition? accessibility and will help us discuss the limits
Sociology has paid more attention to the of public spaces managed by private owners.
physical venues of the city and the daily With train stations we will explore the link
interactions of the citizenry. More than the between mobility and public space. The café
possibility for a debate or a discourse, public and the square will illustrate two specific
space is measured according to its forms of communication, the conversation and
accessibility, both physical and psychological the demonstration, that will link the political
(Joseph 1998). This notion enlarges and philosophical dimensions of public space
significantly the scope of places considered with the field of planning. Finally, we will use
public to any space accessible to individuals, parks to discuss design projects as "public
provided access is not based on some problems" and the role of citizens' participation
membership. Thus, in addition to the classic in the design of the city.
spaces, such as streets and parks, a vast array
of spaces of mobility, such as transportation 2.1. Public space and city
facilities (train and subway stations, airports, form, the return to the
highways, parking lots) or spaces of mass street
consumption (shopping malls for the most
part) can be analyzed according the criterion of Probably one of the most enduring symbols of
sociology. Accessibility is what guarantees the public space, the street has been a consistent
free circulation of persons and goods. It is also object of attention of architects and planners
what allows the emergence of collective ever since the recognized failures of the
representations wherefrom images of the city politics of post war reconstruction. Jane Jacobs
are produced. (1961), a New York City community activist
The challenge today for planners and was among the first critics of modernist
researchers on public space, lies mostly in the architecture and planning. Writing about her
difficult encounter of these two main visions of neighbourhood, Greenwich Village in
public space defended by the social sciences: Manhattan, she insisted on the importance of
the public sphere and the publicly accessible the built environment in the social well being
spaces. The first one can be summed up by the of the area. She identified four criteria that
concept of the conversation and debate architects and planners should consider crucial.
whereas the second one is best said as a Buildings should show a mix of primary uses;
question of mobility. The first one raises the the built blocks should be small and they
important and ever pressing question of should represent a diversity of ages; there
participative democracy, whereas the second should be a high concentration of population.
one lends more attention to the idea of The aim of these was to help the city retain the
individual liberties, notably under the form of diversity that makes it liveable for everybody.
a "right to the city" (Lefebvre 1968; Mitchell Incidentally, they also embody a specific built
2003). Both of these approaches also touch form that can be interpreted as a "return to the
upon the question of the form of the city and street" and the dense city form, as opposed to
its representations both for inhabitants and the "open spaces" of modern development, or
visitors, in terms of a quality of life, but also in the endless and homogenous repetition of
the realm of entrepreneurship and city suburban housing tracts best exemplified by
management, under the pressure of urban Levittown in Long Island, in the Eastern
competition. suburbs of New York. Jacobs' book, The Death
and Life of Great American Cities, was
2. The challenges of public published in 1961 and stands as a pioneer work
space for urban planning for architects and planers who advocate for
better public spaces today, meaning spaces that
After this very broad overview of the scope of foster en enjoyable social order. It wasn't
spaces and disciplines involved in the study of

however until several decades later that her In France, the 'return to the street' was not
call was followed by practitioners. effective until the 1980s when the laws of
At the same time Jane Jacobs was decentralization gave city mayors control over
insisting on the important consequences that urban development. Until then, the design of
the design of public space had on the social public spaces had been the exclusive domain
order of communities, Kevin Lynch, another of traffic engineers who where mostly
American, established a link between the built concerned with the management of automobile
form of the city and the representations that flow. This reshuffling of powers prompted a
people have of their environment. In his study high number of projects aimed at renovating
of people finding their way in Boston, he urban centers and initiated the competition
established a list of five important elements between cities to attract companies and
that helped individuals build their "image of inhabitants. The time elapsed since the 60s
the city" (Joseph 1998; Lynch 1960): paths, allowed the three aspects of public space
edges, districts, nodes and landmarks. Paths, mentioned above to coalesce in an integrated
the first element, represent the streets, practice taking into account the use of space
sidewalks and other spaces of circulation. It (Jacobs), the image of neighbourhoods
not only shapes perception but also constitutes (Lynch) and preservation. One of the main
the very realm from which those perceptions arguments, developed by planners and elected
are built. This study thus showed that public politicians, is the improvement of "quality of
space was the principal element from which life". This trend gave rise to an urban design
people derive their representations of a city. It movement called the 'projet urbain.' The
wasn't however until later on that municipal architect Christian Devillers (1994) coined one
administrations started to realize the potential of its main mottos in France: "To design is to
that this knowledge represented in a context of give back space to uses." Contained in this
national and international competition for formula is the idea that public spaces should be
investment, inhabitants and tourists. busy trough an ability to accommodate various
In Europe, another movement started in kinds of functions. Mostly carried by architects
the 1960s in Italy raising the question of the under the patronage of the ministry of
compatibility of urban preservation with urban equipment and housing, the 'projet urbain'
development. The basic argument developed, proposes a reinterpretation of the classic 19th
notably at the city of Bologna, a communist century city form under the shape of the block
municipality, was that rather than building new and the street. The difference with the Italian
dwellings at the periphery to house the poor movement lies in a specific attention to urban
populations of the city center and demolish the composition, much in line with the tradition of
old housing stock, planners should identify the the Beaux-Arts. It identifies the street and road
connections that bring together this working pattern as the most perennial city feature, more
class and its built environment. Once these so than the lot structure or the built
were understood, a process of renovation that environment. This movement thus considers
preserved constructions as much as possible public space as a crucial element in urban
was implemented with a large participation of design as a generator of the built form and not
the inhabitants. One of the chief problems in a leftover of development. Interestingly, it is in
the old center was the lack of open spaces that the relationship between the role of circulation
had been filled up over time. Cervellati (1981) and the role of distribution of access to
showed that urban preservation and renovation buildings that the proportions of a harmonious
could not only re-house most of the inhabitants street must be found. The projet urbain thus
of Bologna, but also restitute a range of open establishes a formal hierarchy between the
spaces, from private courtyard to public avenues, boulevards, streets, alleyways,
spaces. These spaces were very different from passages and squares that constitute a basic
the open spaces of suburban housing projects vocabulary of urban design (Mangin and
supposed to welcome the displaced residents Panerai 1999). Many projets urbains have
of the city. They looked like streets, plazas and taken place in previous industrial areas and
courtyards, but in their essence, they were have transformed them into new
thought of as a projection in space of a model neighbourhoods. In Paris, the ZAC de Bercy is
of social organization that brought together a often presented as one of the most successful
built landscape and its way of life, thus examples, inscribed in the fabric of the city
avoiding the risks of museification and through a street pattern that respects its history
gentrification, so common today in western (Chadoin, Godier and Tapie 2000). The
cities. question remains, however, if these designs

actually preserve, along with a city form, a sense of community located in space that could
diversity embedded in the history of the city, make them look like villages. However,
or if they contribute to an ongoing and now researchers have shown that the feeling of fear
well documented tendency towards pervades social relations even within the
gentrification (Bidou-Zachariasen, Nicolas and community (Low 2003). Thus social ties are
d'Arc 2003; Smith 1996). often restricted to a minimum. Gated
communities seem also to reinforce in their
3.1. The street goes to the inhabitants the wariness towards the outside
suburbs world. They tend to limit their outings to
places that are also considered socially
Today in Europe and the USA, the challenge homogenous such as upper-class shopping
of planning lies not so much in the old city malls.
centers, where space is scarce, but rather in
suburban areas submitted to rapid development The other trend is called "New Urbanism"
and where public authorities have less control by its proponents (Duany, Plater-Zyberk and
over its form. In 1991, Joel Gareau (1991), an Speck 2000). The project is explicitly to build
American journalist, published a book that an environment that fosters community
sounded like a fatalistic account of the new bonding and limits urban sprawl. One of the
cities emerging in suburban areas He called main ideas is that inhabitants should walk to
them 'edge cities.' Their main characteristic shop and work as much as possible and thus
was that they were entirely dependent on car transform the streets and squares into places of
traffic and organized according to a loose neighbourly sociability, while saving energy.
functional geographic division. Nowhere in New Urbanism is the bringing together of both
these new cities could one find a landscape the American dream of the individual house
approaching the street or a square, rather, and the need for community and imperatives of
Gareau says, "In edge city, about the closest sustainable development. The most common
thing you find to a public space - where just critic however is that, despite the effort, very
about anybody can go- is the parking lot." (p. few inhabitants work within walking or even
52) biking distance of their house. In fact, a study
American designers have tried to react to has shown that car use in these developments
the ills of suburbanization: waste of space, car can be even higher than in the new cities of the
dependency and lack of socialization (Putnam 60's (Forsyth 2002). Consequently, rather than
2000). But old cities suffer from a bad addressing the ills of suburbanization, New
reputation as a dangerous environment. Thus, Urbanism contributes to the sprawl that it is
rather than renovate older urban wastelands trying to limit. Another consequence is that the
and follow Jane Jacobs' call for the practice of streets of these villages are not as lively as they
"infill", developers have preferred to take their should. They are only rarely visited by
projects to the suburbs and recreate there the strangers and transformed into exclusive
community life denied both in the city centers spaces.
and suburban tract developments. The trend
has taken two main forms that are worth These trends have had an interesting
distinguishing for the types of public spaces influence on French urban planning. They
that they generate: gated communities and serve as an inspiration towards more security
New Urbanism. and more community that can be observed in
On the one hand, a large amount of the new and old housing developments (Legoix
new housing production is marketed as safe 2006). In suburban housing projects, public
havens protected from outside dangers. They space is often cut into small parts and partly
are called gated communities (Blakely and privatized as individual yards and gardens.
Snyder 1997). They are private housing Circulation paths are narrowed down to well
developments built inside a wall and guarded recognizable forms such as the street or the
by private security. Proof of ID must be shown alleyway (CERTU 2007). But gated
at the gate. These developments are thought of communities and New Urbanism point at a
as the ultimate privatization of the urban misunderstanding of the dual social
realm. Indeed, the streets, or rather the roads, dimensions of public space. By only
for these settlements are all car-oriented, attempting to recreate the community
belong to the owners' association. Gated dimensions, they overlook the urbanity of
communities originally started as enclaves for public space. The street is not only an object
the elderly and the rich. They thus embodied a representative of urban form and tradition; it is

also a symbol of social relations made out of a requires a set of rules aimed at easing
mix of local ties and anonymous relations. The interactions. Indeed, strangers have to
first idea evokes the shared space of a cooperate in order to walk and not bump in one
community and is often referred to with the another. This is what Lyn Lofland (1998) calls
word "conviviality", whereas the second talks "cooperative motility." In addition, passers-by
about access to anybody and a civil or are also available, under certain circumstances
respectful copresence. It is mostly this first for a "restrained helpfulness", such as giving
aspect of public space that designers have the time or directions. They are also engaged
chosen to adopt today in order to repel the in what she calls an "audience role
"placeless" developments of suburbia or of prominence" which sets up the people as
housing projects (Shaftoe 2008). As a spectator of the urban scene, fulfilling the
consequence, the design has been often guided condition of public visibility necessary for a
by symbolic representations of a supposedly public space. According to these criterions,
lost urban life best exemplified by the concept parking lots and galleries of commercial
of the "urban village" or the "downtown" centers can be considered public. Samuel
(Isenberg 2004). If in dense cities, villages can Bordreuil (2000), a French sociologist, studied
be urban, it is more difficult in suburban areas. unfocussed interactions in a large shopping
This trend thus marks a reinforcement of the mall near Marseille, France, and found that
community dimensions of neighbourhoods that basically the same rules of conduct apply as in
could be considered independent fragments of the more classic streets. Regular patrons of
the city. Are the streets still the epitome of stores and their workers also sometimes
public space? managed to establish familiar relations,
especially in the cafes and restaurants.
4.1. Public space and Elijah Anderson (1999; 2004), working in
sociability, commercial the Reading indoor market of Philadelphia
centers as the new public noticed that the commercial atmosphere of the
spaces place established a basic equality among
shoppers that was able to restrain the usual
Some have decided to take Gareau's claim racial judgments observed on the city streets
seriously and to verify if commercial centers and forced everybody to a cosmopolitan
and their parking lots are the new public civility that helped people revise their own
spaces of the suburban western city. In the US, prejudice. Watching the scene while retaining
this critic has been mostly carried out by your judgement is one of the characteristics
sociologists who see in the "mallification of that make public space an "environment for
America" a loss of authentic spaces (Hannigan social learning" and notably push one to
1998; Zukin 1995). Surveillance and behave civilly toward diversity. This "folk
technologies of control in commercial centers ethnography" is a competence that individuals
sort the population and force them to behave in learn in the most diverse spaces of the city and
a way that is all oriented toward a that helps them get along.
consumerism not conducive to encounters and The exclusion of "undesirables" from
debate (Lofland 1998). The public sphere commercial centers is the limit to their
dimension is thus excluded from these complete status of public space. If the diversity
environments. However, in suburban territories that people learn to interact with is controlled,
dominated by car traffic, commercial centers "sanitized" and devoid of any risk of unsettling
still represent some of the most accessible encounters, the learning and civility that is
spaces for a wide variety of people. Despite produced is necessarily contained within a
control by private guards, access is usually restricted definition of who the members of
granted to everybody, with the notable society are. More and more, commercial
exception of homeless, drunken persons and centers cater to specific income brackets,
beggars. We will return the question that this which means that a class selection operates
exclusion raises. seamlessly to separate the population and
According to Erving Goffman (1971), reproduce in the commercial realm the
public spaces are the realm of unfocussed divisions already observed in the residential
interactions between anonymous strangers. one. So where are the true public spaces?
The chief rule is one of "civil inattention,"
which helps people grant one another the right
to be present and go about their own business.
Inattention is not complete indifference, as it

5.1. Public space, public In France, The SNCF (National train
service and mobility: train company) and the RATP (Paris Subway
stations and right to the city Company), launched in the 1990s an ambitious
research program aimed at exploring the role
Public transportation in France is more and that train stations play in the social
more successful in attracting users. However, organization of the city. This program was
the capacities are limited and traffic is reaching parallel to a renovation program that aimed at
its maximum. Policy discussions see well the opening the stations onto their urban
economic interest in developing the surroundings and conversely let the city in.
transportation infrastructure. Oil can be saved Gare du Nord (Northern Station) in Paris, was
and pollution can be drastically reduced. They studied by a team of researchers lead by Isaac
see less well how the public spaces of Joseph (Joseph et al. 1995), the most
transportation are an important factor in prominent French theoretician on public space
regulating both the form of the city and its and transportation. They showed that
social order, two aspects of public space accessibility was not only dependent on the
already evoked. Are they true public spaces? material conditions, such as pricing and the
Regarding city form, train and subway physical layout of the stations, but also on the
stations are powerful tools of urban mobility skills of citizens. Physical handicaps
development. They foster a high density of (wheelchairs, strollers…) combine with mental
housing and commercial use in their biases and render certain paths not only
immediate vicinity and thus contribute to the unusable but also invisible for many. This
emergence of streets that are more trafficked research contributed to develop in France an
than the ones in purely residential ecological perspective on public space. It
developments, thanks to a diversity of means that accessibility is a combination of
functions and passers-by. Unfortunately, individual abilities with an environment's
stations are not numerous enough to counter spatial organization. The interaction can be
the sprawl of urban areas, further and further described as "affordances" that people are able
away form the dense city centers. In fact, or not to pick up for use in a course of action
recent studies even suggest that the (Gibson 1979). This theory has had direct
combination of stations and parking lots consequences for the most visibly handicapped
contributes to the growth of suburban areas. It populations whose access to the city was
seems that only a dense network of public greatly improved by a policy of adaptation of
transportation, such as a subway system public spaces to wheelchairs, such as the
combined with an efficient bus network can construction of ramps, elevators, etc. It also
guarantee economies of energy and offer raised questions for individuals whose abilities
public spaces accessible to all. are less obviously determined. Strangers who
On the social front, it seems that if we do not speak local languages have a hard time
consider accessibility the main and sine qua reading signs or understanding public
non criterion, few spaces remain truly open to announcements. Is it possible that they refrain
everybody. Recently, train stations and their from using the subway? In the same way, is it
immediate environment gained a new visibility possible that specific people find the subway
as the last accessible spaces. Of course, too dangerous, either because of the possibility
subway and train tickets are not free. However, of accidents or the fear of mugging? If this is
in addition to travelers, several categories of so, are spaces of transportation still
users that often find it difficult to take place representative of the general population of a
elsewhere, such as homeless people or city?
undocumented migrants use the stations. These Design, maintenance and security are all
environments thus constitute good learning aspects of train stations that are under the
grounds for travelers who need to cope with a responsibility of public administrations.
diverse population and acquire the skills to Accessibility thus raises another question.
navigate complex social and spatial realms. Should public space be conceived as a public
They are truly cosmopolitan. In recent years, a service? Some scholars go further and equate
number of stations in France have been built or public space with a "right to the city." This
renovated and integrate shops, cafes and expression was originally circulated by French
restaurants adding a commercial dimension philosopher Henry Lefebvre (1968) who was
that brings them closer to the malls previously advocating for a better control of inhabitants
mentioned while not being as selective. over the production of their own daily spaces.
Recently the right to the city has taken a more

prosaic dimension focused on the sheer thus display an interest in a neighbourhood by
physical possibility of accessing and remaining both investors and patrons, which attracts other
in certain spaces by specific categories of the stores and raises real estate values or helps
population. Don Mitchell (2003), an American resist disinvestment. Another answer is that
scholar, has shown how the design and cafes manage to bring together the community
maintenance of numerous city centers dimension and the anonymous dimension of
reclaimed by business districts are often aimed the city. They are spaces where to talk about
at keeping away unsightly presences. private and public matters and they are
Homeless persons, but also migrants, are thus accessible to anybody. They can become
denied the last place available to sleep. This community centers for special event and
points at a control of space that, by limiting benefit from occasional patrons. As places of
physical bodily presence, restricts the very discussion, cafes are regulated by the principle
possibility of being anywhere in the city, the of "publicity" that according to Habermas
possibility of being anybody at all. On the (1989) generates a "public sphere". It means
other hand, spaces of mass traffic still that the rhetoric used by discussants must be
generally offer that right in its dual dimension. understandable and acceptable even by clients
They are the means of transportation that take who do not necessarily identify with the
people from point A to point B and thus speaker. Cafes can thus become a learning
guarantee them the freedom to circulate in ground for politics, a place where community
order to satisfy needs. They are also the activists improve their ability to address a
material spaces of copresence that let people public.
take place and thus display a full persona in a The Square, also a place of gathering,
collective environment. does not work in the same way. Rather than a
Perhaps, train stations are the exact discussion, the main communicative tool is the
opposite of the community. They are not spectacle, either in the form of a formal
locales for political discussion because they actor/audience format, such as when a concert
are not places to stop and rest. They may give or a cultural event takes place, or in the form
urbanites a good view of who their fellow of a political demonstration for all to see in the
denizens are but are they the best places to city and sometimes in the nation. Artists and
voice concerns? street vendors often work the squares of the
city. They enrich the spectacle, offer basic
6.1. Public space and food and, by the same token, transform
democracy, plazas and themselves in public characters who watch
cafes, respite and over the street (Tonnelat 2007). Can they be
communications considered public servants in the same way as
public transportation workers?
Two other public spaces could be a better Demonstrations often waiver, in the
embodiment of the communicative function of writings of scholars, between crowds and
public space. The café, as a place of encounter, publics (Park 1972; Tarde 1901). As crowds,
conversation and debate, and the square as a they are viewed as an indistinct and often
place of political gatherings, rallies and unpredictable mass driven by contagious
demonstrations. rumours. As publics however, they come to
The café was already mentioned as a represent a body of individuals brought
heritage of the enlightment, a place of together not only by a shared and spreading
socialization freed from the constraints of the concern, but also by a mutual visibility itself
work place or the tyrannies of home (Sennett graspable and distributed by the media. The
1970). It is, according to Oldenburg (1989), a demonstration is thus one of the best
"third place," where people can be in a familiar illustrations of the encounter of the "public
environment, open to the street and regulated sphere" (in the form of the media) and the
by social norms not entirely dominated by a accessible public space. It is indeed the very
community. Recently, in urban planning, cafes visibility of groups of people in a symbolic
and restaurants have been valued as an asset to space that becomes the event, which is then
animate public space. Terraces notably bring to distributed by the media. Not the other way
the sidewalk a conviviality that is taken as a around. In other words, the "public sphere"
measure of success of a public space. Why is it represented by the Internet, newspaper and
so? One obvious answer is that terraces are television is all the more efficient that there is
signs of economic vitality. They offer respite already a conjunction between a physical space
and refreshments to people on their way and and a cultural or political event that can be put

into images and circulated (Wolton 1992). As opening. As members of the team, we tried,
places of expression of dissent, public squares, my colleague, Yann Renaud and I, to identify
especially historic places, are often heavily the conflicts that inhabitants were wary about
controlled by police and design strategies that and to set up discussion groups to prepare for
aim at reducing the possibility of gathering or their resolution (Renaud and Tonnelat 2008).
crowding (Low 2000) or that tend to favour This work was based on uses already observed
cultural events over political ones. in other parks and in the previous wasteland
and on the skills that they implied (Grosjean
7.1. Public space and and Thibaud 2001). The group discussions
participation, urban parks were aimed at recognizing these skills and
as design projects transforming them into inputs for the design
project and the management of the park. This
Demonstrations illustrate contentious ways for experience is only one among others but it
a public to express itself, especially when other shows that a public space can also emerge as a
places of discussion and negotiation are public question via its design and maintenance,
unavailable. But public space can also be which largely determine its accessibility. Thus
viewed in a more cooperative way as a means a way to bring together the communicative and
to bring together, at the local scale, inhabitants, the spatial dimension of public sphere is not
users, managers and elected officials around only through contentious uses of space but
the discussion of specific problems. Public through an attention to public space as a public
parks, for example, are in high demand in service that can be thought of as a collective
urban environment. They embody the presence project by inhabitants and administrators alike
of nature in the city. They offer respite from (Dewey 1954).
the daily agitation. They encourage the
practice of sports and recreation. Less well 3. Conclusion
known is the fact that parks are places of heavy
socialization (Jolé 2005). In fact, less than a Public Spaces encompass a wide array of
retreat away from the crowds, parks are often spaces, from old historic centers to suburban
places were social contacts are numerous both developments. Their form, uses and
among regulars and among occasional visitors. maintenance raise a host of important
This social dimension of parks makes us questions regarding urban planning from the
consider that, just like the café, they are local to the metropolitan scale. If they are
usually very local places, used and occupied considered today as assets for urban renewal
by inhabitants of surroundings blocks. But and new developments – economic incentives,
more so than cafes, they are also open to public health and well-being, image of the city,
anybody, from poor to rich, from inhabitant to mobility, conviviality – our opinion is that the
visitor. Users display in parks an ability to need and the success of public space is before
distribute and share space that does not only anything else predetermined by its ability to
depend on the work of public employees to bring together two main and necessary quality
enforce civic rules. Users show definite skills upon which all the rest depends: accessibility
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