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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

Chief Justice Warren, U.S. Supreme Court, "U.S. Supreme Court: Loving v. Virginia," in
Virginia Civics, Item #41, (accessed
March 2, 2019). We used this source because it’s a piece of actual evidence from
the court case.

“Decision in Loving v. Virginia.” ​DocsTeach,​ 12 June 1967, This source is
very useful in our research because it is also considered as a primary source. It is a
document of the court case.

“FindLaw's the United States Supreme Court Case and Opinions.” ​Findlaw​, This is an actual opinion during
the court case.

“Loving v. Virginia: Tragedy of Time, Triumph of Love.” ​Evolver​, 17 Sept. 2018, We used
this source and it’s very trustworthy because It is a piece of evidence during that
time period.

"Loving Decision: 40 Years of Legal Interracial Unions." ​NPR​. 11 June 2007. Web. 21
Jan. 2014. <>. This
is a piece of evidence during the time period of the court case.

“Research Guides: Student Project: Right to Marry: Loving v. Virginia.” ​The science of
Hydrofracking - Hydraulic Fracturing (Hydrofracking) - Research Guides at
Elisabeth Haub School of Law, Pace University,​ This is an actual opinion
during the court case.

“The Crime of Being Married, Life Magazine, 18 March 1966.” ​Education from LVA​, used this source and it’s very
trustworthy because It is a piece of evidence during that time period.

This is a photograph of the Lovings taken by Francis Miller. I used this photo on my
website so viewers could see a picture of the Lovings. This is a primary source
because this is a historical photograph.

“Transcription from Original.” ​Armistead, Lewis A. (1817–1863)​,
_Loving_v_Virginia_April_10_1967. This is an actual opinion during the court case.
Virginia.", "Loving v. “Loving v. Virginia.” ​The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed​,, 2019,
ng-v-virginia. This is a trustworthy source because it’s considered a primary source
and also it’s from an encyclopedia.

“Warrants to Arrest Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter.” ​Library of Virginia​, We used this source and it’s very trustworthy
because It is a piece of evidence during that time period.

Secondary Sources
Denise, Felicia. “‘Loving v. Virginia.’” ​Felicia Denise, Author​, 23 Feb. 2018, Accessed 3 Mar. 2019. This source
is very helpful to our research and website. This is considered as a secondary
source because of its a book about it.

HISTORY. “How Loving v. Virginia Led to Legalized Interracial Marriage | History.”

YouTube,​ YouTube, 27 Feb. 2018, This video is very direct to the
point in terms of explaining the back story of the court case.

"Loving v. Virginia." ​Oyez,​ 2 Mar. 2019, ​​. This helps us a

lot because it’s the first source we saw.

Martin, Douglas. "Mildred Loving, Who Battled Ban on Mixed-Race Marriage, Dies at 68."
New York Times. New York Times. Web. 8 Dec. 2013.

“Mildred Loving.”, A&E Networks Television, 1 Feb. 2019,​.

"Mr. and Mrs. Loving: The Caroline County Couple Who Reluctantly Changed History."
Style Weekly. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.
This source is very helpful to our research and website. It’s considered a secondary
because it's only an opinion and a backstory about the Loving v. Virginia case.

Picture of Richard and Mildred Loving Looking at Each Other. Huffington Post. 12 June
2013. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.

Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books
Division, The New York Public Library. "Woodson's 'The Beginning of
Miscegenation of the Whites & Blacks” The New York Public Library Digital
Collections. 1938. It’s
considered a secondary because it's only a collection of picture and a backstory
about the Loving v. Virginia case.

Staff, Bio. “Richard Loving.”, A&E Networks Television, 24 Jan. 2019,​. This is the biography about
Richard Loving that helped us understand their backgrounds.

Wilkinson, A. (2017, June 17). Loving v. Virginia was decided 50 years ago. This HBO
documentary explores the couple at its center. Retrieved March 3, 2019, from​ This is a
documentary about the court case.

Villet, Barbara. “The Heart of the Matter: Love.” ​The New York Times,​ The New York
Times, 18 Jan. 2012, This source is
very helpful to our research and website. It’s considered a secondary because it's
only an opinion and a backstory about the Loving v. Virginia case.

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