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Earlier this year, I promised myself I would break the ugly routine I have been following for a long

Untangle myself from a life of sacrificing my time and efforts only to be treated insignificantly without
even the courtesy of appreciation. Traveling has long been a desire I learned following experiences of
working out of Kampala. Out of monthly commute to upcountry was born the love of discovering new
places and experiencing different environments. So in the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, travel came
up in the sort of way one rekindles a lost love. I don’t know most parts of my own country lest towns in
the city I live. In an inspired motivation driven by misguided and poorly thought of achieving something
worthwhile this year, I made the decision to at least travel every district once a month up to the point
when I could say I have been all over Uganda. How short-lived was this madness when reality set it. I
was now left with questions only, what can use a stepping stone to drive me towards having a new
year’s resolution ticked off. It was at this point that I stumbled upon the muzungu’s travel tips. Alas. 25
little known destinations seemed like a plan. The easiest part at least some of these destinations and
within easy reach both physically and financially. After much deliberation, I settled for destination
number 16; following in the footsteps of the Uganda Martyrs. At this point, armed with the muzungu’s
Google map, I planned an “excursion” following in her footsteps. Beginning from Bethel Healing Center
formerly Pride Theatre, I begun the trek.

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