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Director: Marcus Barlow DOP: Harry Martin

ISO:5000 Shutter: 180d Aim: The Refugee

FPS: 24 Picture Profile: V log-L betrays the slodier..

Shot List: Forest Of Blind Men - Scene 9

SCENE 9 EXT. FOREST. DAY Shooting date: TBC
Shot No. Shot Type: Notes: Used:
On soldier, he flies past
camera, trying to pan
and keep up with soldier.
Refugee, flying through
2 Medium Shot
the trees. 50mm
Rebels firing after them.
3 Two SHot
Refugee running past
4 Long shot
soldier. 50mmm+
Rebel holting and firing,
5 Medium Shot
Dirt blasting up near feet,
6 Close up/cut away
Pan with soldier and
refugee as they're
running and camera
7 Long Shot
lands on rebel aiming
rifle and taking a shot..
28mm. see soldier fall.
Of soldier impacting the
medium slash slight long
8 ground and smacking on
to it. 50mm.
Soldier grabbing hold of
9 Close up/cut away
bloody leg. 50mm.
Refugee spins around to
10 MCU
look at soldier, 50mm.
High ang;e on soldier,
holding his arm out to us,
11 Medium shot
pan up to see rebels
getting closer, 50mm.
Ref looks down at
10 (cont) MCU soldier, says line 1 and
runs off. 50mm/
Floor Level, you can see
soldier and rebels behind
12 wide shot
and soldier screams after
refugee, line 2. 28mm.

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