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— . Mrs, Helmick English 102 20 February 2015 Prospectus ‘Thesis Statement Prostitution is a harmless profession that has existed for many years. This line of work is some women’s only source of income to provide for themselves and their families, so for the government to take that away based on a set of moral values is highly unreasonable, By legalizing prostitution, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases would decrease because the prostitutes would be tested regularly. The prostitutes would also be better protected if they know they are able to call the police for help if they are attacked. Not only will the decriminalization benedit prostitutes, but the economy will also prosper when the government is able to tax prostitutes and brothels. Aim ‘As I write this paper, my goal is to convince the readers that legalizing prostitution is a very worthy idea. Tam going to appeal to each reader by covering many problems or issues each ‘one has about prostitution. As Thave researched this topic, the most common problem individuals have with legalizing prostitution is the morality of it. They believe that selling your body for sex should never be allowed. However, just because someone does not have the same ‘morals as another person is not a reasonable reason for prostitution to be illegal. Many parents are concemed ebout their children growing up to think prostitution is acceptable, but that is for each child to decide, [believe the idea of the economy thriving will also appeal to many readers because itis a conceming issue in many states, The United States govemment’s debt now equals a little over seventeen tillion dollars. By legalizing prostitution, the government will receive tax income from this legal business to help decrease this debt. ‘want skeptic readers to question their views on prostitution and the illegality of it. Each, person needs to look at how the benefits outweigh the issues people have with the legalization of prostitution. I want to convince readers that legalizing prostitution could be a very beneficial act for everyone. When government officials read my essay I want them to ask themselves if itis reasonable for prostitution to be illegal, and if'so, is the reason justifiable? In the ené, I want ‘there to be a fair judgment over the illegality of prostitution, and I want the skeptics to see it ‘from a prostitute’s point of view. Audience Jedgeable individual should read Every skeptic, government official, and mature, ry essay, When skeptice read ‘my essay I want them to ask themselves if their reason for being ‘opposed to prostitution is fair or if itis set on their morals. I want those opposed to prostitution to Jook at it from a different perspective and realize they do not have a reasonable explanation after seeing what the legalization could do. Government officials must review cases of prostitutes being attacked and come to terms ‘With the fact that many sex workers can be saved by legalizing prostitution. It will improve the health conditions within the profession and the financial situation in this country. The only feasible argument feft is the morality of the business. As previously stated, the only person to determine morals are the prostitutes themselves. ‘want a mature person that knows some information on prostitution to read my essay also. By another knowledgeable person reading and agreeing with me, they can spread the word and propose the idea once again to the government. Government officials will be better persuaded if multiple people introduce the topic and debate on the illegality of it. If one person in the government agrees, they may also be able to convince others which will eventually lead to the decriminatization of prostitation. Persona I want to be perceived as a knowledgeable, mature, and persuasive author. When people read my essay I want to make them pause to question their views on criminalizing prostitution. 1 have completed an ample amount of research over my topic, and I view myself as a very well educated over this controversy. When my essay is being read by skeptics, government officials, and other individuals, I want them to recognize it as a well written and thought out piece of ‘Work, I want readers to think of my paper as advanced and very persuasive. Although I want to sound professional, I do not want to be thought of as a persuasive sales person. I want to come ‘cross as though I am pleading for readers to help the prostitutes have a fair trial that allows them to continue their work freely, According to my thesis statement, I am indebted to discuss the benefits legalizing prostitution will have on society as a whole. I will talk about the STD rate decreasing as. Prostitutes will be tested on a weekly and monthly basis for different diseases. The prostitutes will be able to better protect themselves when their business becomes legal, and slong with legalizing prostitution benefitting the prostitutes, the economy will profit from it. When the profession is legalized, the government will be able to tax prostitutes and brothels. This would ‘Put a great amount of money back into our struggling economy that we desperately need,

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