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● Athletes should be drinking about half of their body weight in fluid oz of water per day to

ensure that they stay properly hydrated. So for a 150 lb athlete, water intake would be
around 75 oz of water, just over four full plastic water bottles
● Depending on the rigor of the activity, people can lose almost 3% of their body weight,
usually water weight, during physical activity. Taking a 150 lb person, that is only 60
ounces of water. In normal, non humid conditions, an athlete produces about 27-48 per
hour, so activity that takes over an hour would cause this athlete to lose 45% of their
capability to perform
● When refueling, one should aim to drink 16-24 fluid ounces per pound lost in body
● Effects of dehydration
○ Cramps, spasms, and soreness
○ Fatigue
○ Impaired concentration

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