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The Rams Daily News AT Brae a) THE Rams always give 110% during competition play and skill assessments....Nothing changed when it came to Speedball ‘The Rams showed a lot of promise on Thursday during drills and our team rules-play competition. All of the Rams improved on their speedballl game by J leaming the overhand pass, soccer pass and trap, 4 4 y and converting the ball to pass or throw a | touchdbwn. When it came time for game time on ‘Thursday, the Rams fought hard and gave it their all but came up short on the scoreboard against the Blue Dragons and the Failures. The Failures took the tig wiffhiome and defeated both the Rams and the Blue Dragons. But, the Rams showed a lot of spirit compete everyday. What’s happening next? he Rams are bummed that the Speedball drills didn’t go according to plan, but they're preparing for next week when they compete in the Team Handball game play and skills tests. Tune in next Thursday for practice to see what skills the Rams are already bringing to the table for Softball.

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