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Final Self-Assessment: Spiritual Intelligence in Healthcare

Tawny Nichols

University of San Diego


1. Explain what you think Jones & Kassity-Krich mean by their statement that, “Much of

medicine’s spiritual wisdom seems to have been lost. To harvest and retrieve this lost dimension

in our workplace requires centering our work on principles that do not change. We must let the

wisdom of the contemplative traditions touch, change, and heal medicine. In this way, we can

retrieve the healing arts as a metaphor for the mystical experience, a continuing search for

personal and collective deepening” (Jones & Kassity-Krich, p. 116).

2. How do you think we can re-infuse spiritual intelligence back into healthcare? Describe some

potential action plans.

With the increase of personal technology usage in our society, I think a potential step

would be to have intentional times of isolation from technology. Technology is not human, and it

is not a real connection. Practicing human connection is the basic foundation of spiritual

intelligence. There are three ways this connection can be implemented. By connecting with God

and themselves, connecting with their peers, and connecting with their patients, we can better

take care of ourselves and each other

First, healthcare workers, who are providing care for patients, should be offered a solo

day every 30-60 days. On this day, the goal is to spend time connecting with themselves and

with the divine by practicing spiritual disciplines. Second, organizations should set up a monthly

connection meeting that allows employees to connect. This meeting can center on celebrations

like birthday or anniversaries or organizations wins but ought to require employees to attend

without their cell phones or technology that distract them. Third, organizations should

implement a rule that requires employees to greater others, employees or patients, as human

beings. If a person passes anyone in the hallway, an empathetic and authentic “hello” is

required. By treating each other as humans, we will naturally increase or empathy and

connection with each other which will automatically increase our spiritual intelligence.

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