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Kyle Hinton

X-men: Project R


The world has become a frightening place. A new age in evolution has occurred and a
new race of human has emerged, known as Homo Superior. This new Race has taken on the
name “Mutant” and their unique powers make them a danger to themselves and others. Out of
fear, humans have segregated Mutants and forced them to hide their unique abilities. All over the
world, anti and pro-mutant protesters have made their voices heard and many time violence is the
result. Demand for equality has started a war in the island nation of Genosha, where a group of
rebel mutant has tried to establish new government.

In the small town of Cawthorn, Missouri, within his junior year of high school; mutant
Jason Matthews struggled in keep his abilities hidden. He first found out about his mutation
when he discovered he could climb on virtually any surface, even up-side down. He also found
that if he focused enough he could grow thick scales that could blend into his surroundings and
could also retract into his skin; his fingernails would grow into claws and a large sharp boney
protrusion would emerge from his top of each hand and wrist. Later he discovered while
concentrating on his existing powers he developed something of a sixth sense as he began to see
the heat signatures that everything around him produced, even people. In doing so, his eyes took
on an elliptical form, but returned to normal when he lost his focus. Jason has heard reports all
over the world of mutants being made outcast, so he found it best to remain unnoticed. These
events were scarce and to Jason’s knowledge sparked conflict much like the ever-growing war in

The day everything changed began innocent enough, Jason had been studying his notes in
the school yard. However, he was hopelessly distracted from them; due to the strange dream he
had the night before. It was a recurring dream that has been pestering him for some time now. It
always began the same way; Jason was trapped in some sort of research facility and being
tormented by a short man with wild hair. The dream also always ended the same way; the man
took on animal like properties and metal claws burst from him hands, which he used to stab
Jason. After that, he woke up and life continued.

Before he knew it the normal day that Jason was enjoying became anything but, as
someone approached Jason in the school yard. Jason looked up thinking it was someone from his
academic club, but to his surprise it was Jessica Smith, the school’s symbol of beauty.

“You’re Jason Matthews, Right?” she said with a smile.

“Um… Ye- Yes,” Jason replied with a quiver in his voice.

“Thank God, I’ve been look for you all morning.”

“Yo-You have! I mean, did you need something?” Jason asked with surprise.
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“Yes, I was wondering if you could help me study for an upcoming biology exam. I think
if I botch this it could drop my grade.”

“Of course, I can help.” Jason replied with a smile.

“Thank you, Jason. I knew I could rely on you. Meet me in the Library after school
today.” She said with a lively voice.

“Sure, I’ll be there,” said Jason with a slightly happier tone.

Where as Jason felt a sign of relief, there is a much dark tone across the yard. Michael
Hughes, Cawthorn High’s star running back and Jessica over-protective boyfriend, observed the
events unfold and became aggravated at the whole incident. Michael is joined in his observation
by his two jock buddies, Cole and Eric.

“Was that Jessica? What the hell is she doing with Matthews?” questioned Cole.

“I don’t know, but I’m gonna to find out,” stated Michael with an irritated tone.

The morning went on uninterrupted until after lunch, Jason was at his locker retrieving
some books for his next class. As he searched of his books, Jason did not see the ominous figures
approaching him. Jason was catch off guard, as Michael, Cole, and Eric encountered him at his
locker. Michael was notably angry and Jason’s fear sunk in as he was unable to understand what
is going on. Michael dropped his bag and grabbed Jason by the collar of his jacket and forces
him into the locker.

“I don’t know what your game is Matthews, but you’d better stay away from Jessica,”
threatens Michael.

“What do you mean? Helping her study?” questioned Jason.

“Call it what you want Matthews, but my Jessica will never be with a freak like you. So,
back off!” said Michael.

Jason had a deep feeling hatred toward Michael. A feeling Jason hasn’t experience since
he was much younger. Jason hung his head and closed his eyes in this frustration obscuring his
face from view. Unbeknownst to Jason, a demon that had been plaguing him resurfaced.
Something was awakening in Jason, Something he hasn't felt in a long time, a monstrous power.
Jason opened eyes, revealing that his irises and pupils have become elliptical. His skin began to
thicken and his fingernails took on a claw-like quality as they dug in his locker. It was from that
word, “Freak” that had caused this feeling of anger and Jason wanted now more than to silence
that voice.

“What’s going on here?” questioned a figure down the hall.

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Everyone turned towards the figure and only Jason was relieved when he came to find
out that it was Albert Jones, the school’s principal. In that moment of serenity, Jason’s body
returned to normal. Hastily Michael released Jason and tried to regain his composure.

“Nothing Mr. Jones, just helping out Jason with his locker,” said deceitfully.

“Regardless, you boys are late for class and I’d prefer to save my pen the stress of writing
all of you up for tardiness,” replied Jones.

“Yes sir, we’ll head to class now, thank you,” said Michael.

Michael picked up his bag from the floor and moved slightly towards Jason.

“You’re safe Matthews, for now,” said Michael with an ominous tone in his voice. Once
Michael delivered his threat, the boys left for their classes, leaving Jason to pick up the mess at
his locker.

“Everything alright, Mr. Matthews?” asked Jones.

“Yes, Mr. Jones,” replied Jason as he began picking up the mess.

“Okay, well get this cleaned up and return to class,” said Jones.

“Yes, sir,” replied Jason gathering his scattered items.

After picking up some items, Jason turned to open his locker and was shocks to find deep
claw marks, some which have even gone through the metal door of his locker. The feeling of
shocked quickly turned to mortified as Jason realized he had caused those claw marks on his
locker. Trying to forget about the experience Jason quickly cleaned up the mess and went to

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Jason and nearly the entire world in Xavier’s School for
Gifted Youngsters, Professor Charles Xavier was in the process of monitoring mutant activity on
Cerebro and noticed a particular spike in Cawthorn, Missouri. Prof. Xavier remained motionless
to anyone viewing him, but his mind was quick at work sending out a telepathic message.

“X-men, Cerebro has detected a new mutant that maybe a danger to those around him,
but I fear he maybe a greater danger to himself. Scott, I would like you to take Jean, Kurt, and
Kitty to Cawthorn, Missouri and find him before anyone is harmed.”

Minutes Later, the four X-men assembled in Xavier’s custom SR-71 Blackbird. Scott
Summers took his place in the pilot seat and turned on the Blackbird’s communication system.

“Professor, the blackbird it prepped for launch and we are ready to head out.”

In his private study, Professor Xavier responded to the call in the upmost serious of tones.
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“Good Cyclops. However, the files regarding this individual are scarce. This only true
information that I was able to get from Cerebro is that his name is Jason Matthews. You may
have to investigate when you get there.”

“Yes Professor.”

“… And Scott, remain vigilant. I believe Jason does not truly understand the depth of his
powers,” said the professor with a hesitant voice.

“Yes Professor,” replied Scott as he took off in the Blackbird heading for Cawthorn.

Later in the small town, Jason returned home after his study session of Jessica Smith. As Jason
entered the house, he was greeted with an unfamiliar face. He found his foster parents, Samuel
and Sarah Baker, in the sitting room with a visitor.

“Oh, Jason we’ve been waiting for you. This is Ms. Emma Frost and she came here to
talk to you about entering her private school, the Massachusetts Academy for the gifted,” said

Jason was at first stunned by Emma Frost’s appearance. She was a young, beautiful,
gentle woman, far too young to run a school. Emma had long blonde hair and was dressed in

“Private School,” Jason said with confusion, “I’m less than two years away from
graduation. Why would I want to change schools?”

“Jason, My school is not simply a private school; Massachusetts Academy is a school

with a year-long curriculum and provides specialize study for individual learning,” said Emma

Jason’s stunned reaction to Emma Frost’s appearance quickly turned to distress by what
is just heard.

“Wait, year-long!” said Jason, “So, this is just a way to get rid of me?”

“No Jason, this is an opportunity and in addition to the education, Ms. Frost believes you
qualify for a full scholarship,” said Samuel.

“I believe your son more than qualifies for our full scholarship, Mr. Baker,” replied

“Call me Samuel,” quickly stated Samuel with a barely noticeable self-conscious voice;
which Sarah happened to catch and gave an annoyed look.

“And Jason, It is our school’s goal is to help you harness and strengthen your special
talents,” said Emma with a warm smile.
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However, Jason’s rapt state turned to suspicion as Frost mentioned “special talents”.
Jason’s mind continued to draw to the questions, “Did she know?” and if so, “How?”

“I don’t know. This place has been my home for the past 5 years. It just feels like I’m
losing it,” said Jason with a weak voice.

“I know this a big change Jason. So I will give you time to think about it. Here’s a
number that you can contact me by,” said Emma giving a card to Jason.

Emma Frost left the Baker estate leaving a positive impression on Samuel and Sarah, but
left Jason confused and wanting answers. As Emma entered her car and started to drive away,
Jason watched her from the window.

“We’ve are looking forward to having you,” said Emma Frost through a telepathic
message. Jason was caught off guard by the display of Emma’s mutant power and remained
stunned, unable to answer.

“Oh, and Jason, beware of X,” Emma said through another message.

Emma continued driving, while she reached for her phone and dialed a number.

“Shaw, I’ve made contact with the new mutant and delivered the message,” said Emma
with a submissive tone.

Sebastian Shaw was a powerful man in status as well as physique, both of which he owes
to his mutant power.

“Well done Frost, but I’d rather you not contact me through an unsecure line. I’d prefer
you use your telepathy,’ responded Shaw.

“I’m far enough away from the academy as it is; even my powers have their limits.”

“Yes, something I am constantly reminded of. Perhaps I was mistaken in giving the title
of White Queen and the perks that come with it,” said Shaw with a threatening tone.

“Yes! Yes, of course. I’ll be more careful next time,” said a shaken Emma.

“Good, see that you are,” said Shaw, “And Emma, your students eagerly await your

“I’m on my way back now,” said Emma reluctantly. Emma hung up and continued her
drive to Lambert International.

Back at the Baker house, Jason was still struggling to come to terms with the meeting
that had taken place. So many thoughts ran through Jason’s mind and he could hardly keep from
Kyle Hinton

losing himself in his frustration. In his confusion however, Jason noticed a movie on his

It was “King Kong”, a film not unlike the world today. A world full of fantastic creatures,
wanting nothing more than to be left in peace, but they are feared and hunted because of people’s
lack of understanding. Jason is reminded of scene where King Kong is displayed in public and
the fear it incited in people. The pandemonium spread and King Kong panicked, destroying part
of the city before he was killed. All of that, from a simple lack of understanding. This quickly
left Jason mind as another problem came to his attention; the movie was due back at the library
that night.

Jason grabbed his coat and rushed downstairs with the movie.

“Hey Sarah, I’ve got to run to the library can you save me some dinner,” said Jason as he
rushed through the kitchen.

“Jason, can you please try calling me, ‘mom’,” Sarah said as she halted Jason’s exit.

“Sorry… mom,” replied Jason reluctantly.

Jason’s mind wandered to the last person he had called “mom”. Jason had been in foster
care since he was a few weeks old. He had tried to track down his birth records, but the only
information he got from the orphanage he was left at was that they found him with a tattoo of the
letter “R” on the bottom of his left forearm and a handwritten note that read “Jason Matthews”.
In youth, Jason was wild and rebellious; which made him a problem in foster care. It seemed no
one could handle Jason’s savage nature more than a few years, until a woman named Ann Swift
took him in at the age of 10. Ann calmed Jason’s mind, almost as if she had experience dealing
with someone like him. However this moment of serenity didn’t last long, Jason began to show
signs of being a mutant and with it came the darkest moments in Jason’s life.

“Jason… Jason!” shouted Sarah at detached Jason.

“Wha-What?” Jason asked with a bemused look.

“Are you alright Jason?” asked Sarah.

“Yeah,” replied Jason look at the clock, “It’s late. I’ve got to get to the library before it

“Alright, be careful Jason,” said a cautious Sarah.

“I will be, see ya,” said Jason as he left the house.

Jason returned in the movie to the library just in time. As Jason left the library the street
lights came on, which meant it was getting late. Jason began walking home and made it about
two blocks away from the library before something caught his attention. The street lights
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flickered only for an instance, but long enough to catch Jason off guard. A figure came from the
shadows and grabbed Jason and pulling him into an alleyway. It was Michael Hughes and his
buddies Cole and Eric. Cole and Eric held Jason against as Michael taunted him with a baseball

“I told you to stay away from Jessica, Matthews,” said Michael in his most threatening

“What are talking about Michael? Nothing happened? I was ju-”

“Shut up Matthews! I’ve had enough of your excuses” interrupted Michael as he shoved
the butt of the bat into Jason stomach, “you’re nothing but a loser Matthews, and it seems I’ll
have to remind you where freaks like you belong.”

Jason hung his head and was once again plagued by that word, “freak”. Jason felt himself
changing again and this time, Mr. Jones wasn’t there to stop him. Michael managed to get a few
more hits on Jason before Jason look up at Michael with his monstrous eyes. Michael was
stopped by Jason’s appearance and took a step back. Confused, Cole and Eric look at what halted
Michael’s attack and they had a similar reaction as they released him. Jason felt like he was
losing himself as his skin began to thicken in scales, his fingernails turn into claws, and a large
boney protrusion emerged from each wrist.
“You’re not just a freak Matthews,” said Michael with a trembling voice, “You’re a

“A mutant? Like on Genosha?” said Eric in a voice more frightened then Michael’s,
“Let’s get out here.”

“Eric, stop, if you don’t stand up to them now, you’ll be afraid of them forever,” said
Michael with a stronger tone, “Mutants like him have to be put in their place!”

Jason remained motionless, locked inside his own mind. Jason’s vision changed, the
image of his three attackers began to blur and he could detect their thermo-signatures. All he
could do was watch as Michael moved forward with his bat raised and readied to swing. As
Michael swung his bat, a red beam came from the alley entrance hit it and knocked it out of
Michael’s hands. Everyone looked to see where the blast came from; even Jason managed to turn
his head. They were four figures standing at the entrance, one of which had a red light radiating
from its head. The figures moved forward in the light of the alleyway, it was four people dressed
in costumes. The one with the red light was a tall man in a blue suit and wore a visor. To his
right, was a woman with red hair and dressed in a green outfit. To his left, was a young brunette
girl in a blue outfit and last was someone that could only be described as a blue demon.

“I suggest you leave him alone and go home now,” said Scott.
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“Who the hell are you guys? More muties?” asked Michael.

“We’re the X-men and we’re only going to ask you once. Go home!” Scott demanded

“You think we’re going to let you push us around. Cole! Eric! Let’s show these freaks
human answer to no one,” remarked Michael, signaling Cole and Eric.

“X-men put this trash where it belongs,” ordered Scott.

Kitty was first to charge the assailants; Cole grabbed a metal bar and tried to swing at her.
However, Kitty phased though Cole grabbing the bar and taking it with her. Kurt disappeared in
a cloud of fire and brimstone, only to reappear behind Eric.

“Hope you enjoy the trip,” said Kurt as he grabbed Eric and disappeared this time with
Eric. Kurt then reappeared with his then unconscious captive along a wall at the end of the alley
overlooking a dumpster and promptly dropped him in. Cole still stunned by Kitty’s phasing was
lifted up by Jean’s telekinetic powers and hurled into the same dumpster down the alleyway.

Michael was left in shock on how easily Cole and Eric were knocked out. That made him
an even easier target for Scott, who then shot Michael with his concussive optic blast and sent
him flying into the same dumpster with his friends. Jason remained motionless throughout the
chaos and with the danger over the X-men approached him.

“Jason, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” said Scott trying to calm Jason.

“Cyclops something’s wrong I can’t detect his mind,” said Jean.

“What do you mean?” Scott.

“Get away from him!” panicked Jean.

Jason attacked Scott, swinging his claws. However, Scott is pulled to safety by Jean’s
telekinetic powers. Jason charged towards Kurt, lunging with his boney spike. However, Kurt
managed to teleport out of danger, while Jason pierced through the brick wall behind him. Jason
then focused on Kitty and attacked her. She would have been fatally stabbed had she not phased
through the attack.

“Enough!” yelled Scott as his blast Jason into a wall, which would have knocked a
normal person unconscious or worst. Jason regained control of his mind, which caused his claws
and scales to recede back into his body, and his eyes to returned to normal. Jason quickly got up
and backed up against the wall. His eyes quickly turned from the monstrous eyes the X-men saw
before, to eyes of fear.

“Is he back to normal Marvel?” asked Scott.

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“I don’t know I still can’t sense his mind,” replied Jean.

Jason panicked, but remembered the wall behind him. Scott’s blast tore Jason’s clothes
which allowed him to use his arms and legs to climb. Jason concentrated on his extremities and
quickly crawled to the roof. Jason huddled down by the ledge next to the street and tried to hide
the best he could. Jason felt himself fading into his surroundings.

“Nightcrawler get up there and stop him,” ordered Scott.

“I can’t mein freund, teleporting that guy took more out of me then I thought. I barely
managed to teleport when he attacked me,” replied Kurt.

“Don’t worry Cyclops I can levitate myself up there,” said Jean.

“You can’t go up there alone, he might be dangerous,” replied Scott.

“No. He’s afraid I can at least sense his fear. More people will just frighten him further,”
said Jean.

“Okay, if you think you can handle it,” said Scott reluctantly.

Jean nodded and levitated herself to the roof. When she reached the top, she could not see
Jason on the roof. Jean sent out calming psychic messages hoping to reach Jason. Jason watched
her, puzzled as to why she couldn’t see him. Then, it became clear to Jason; He was
camouflaged, his skin blended in with his surroundings making him almost invisible. Jason
intended to sit back and wait for her to leave. However, after a while Jean sent a message in
Jason direction and something responded. Jason felt the same mind lock that took over his body
before, he lost his camouflage and the large boney spike erupted from his wrist. He charged at
Jean, who was caught off guard. Just as Jason was about to stab her, an optic blast struck Jason
throwing him off the ledge of the building.

“Jean! Are you alright?” questioned a concerned Scott.

“Yes, but what about Jason?” responded Jean.

Scott and Jean looked over the ledge and found nothing in the street below.

“Can you track him?” asked Scott.

“I can’t detect his thoughts and he has the ability to blend into to his surroundings. He
could be anywhere,” said Jean.

“Nightcrawler! Shadowcat! Scout the area, he has to be here somewhere!” ordered Scott.

Jason hung under the ledge, and used his camouflage to remained hidden. An hour pasted
and the X-men regroup in front of the build Jason fell from.
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“Nothing Cyke, face it this guy bolted,” said Kitty.

“Perhaps, maybe the Professor can find him on him on Cerebro,” said Scott.

“Professor Xavier is the most powerful psychic in the world. If he can’t find Jason, I
don’t think anyone can,” replied Jean.

“Good, let’s get out of here. This humidity is murder on mein fur,” said Kurt.

The four X-men left for their Blackbird and returned to the institute. Feeling it was safe
now Jason revealed himself from his hiding spot and dropped down to ground level. Jason ran to
the alley, thinking he would find Michael, Eric, and Cole; but the alley was empty. Thinking they
must have left for home, Jason left for his own house.

When Jason arrived at his house, he reached for his keys and only to find a hole in his
ruined jeans. Jason knocked on the door, but no one answered and to Jason’s amazement the
door was unlocked. Jason entered the house and was instantly stopped. He head began to ache
with such pain that Jason blacked out.

Jason woke up in his bed and thought it was quiet downstairs. He looked at the clock and
noticed it was too early for his foster parents to have gone to bed. Jason left his room and walked
downstairs to and made it to the hallway, when something caught his attention.

The scent of blood overwhelmed him, and he began to panic. Jason bolted to the kitchen,
only to witness a horrifying scene. Samuel and Sarah Baker, Jason’s foster parents laid in a pool
of blood with multiple stab wounds. Amidst the carnage, Jason noticed one piece of important
information. The metal plate that had been hung on the wall, it was Samuel’s most prized
procession, his family crest. The crest had been pierced through, not an easy feat considering it
was thick enough to stop a bullet. The moment of clarity quickly pasted and panic set in once
more as Jason believed he would be charged with the murders, due to Michael, Eric, and Cole
having witnessed his mutant powers. Jason left his cell phone knowing it was traceable then, he
quickly gathered some of his clothes and money that Samuel had stashed away.

Jason had so many questions he needed answered. Did he murder his foster parents and
if not him, then who did? Who are the X-men and why are they after him? What happened to
him in the alley? What is Emma Frost’s school really for? Can he control his powers before they
overwhelm him?

Alone with barely enough money for travel, Jason departed the town of Cawthorn,
Missouri with the only information he had; the phone number of Emma Frost and the name,
Professor Xavier.

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