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Voracious Carnivore Devour DYof melas Herbivore Omnivore Dormitory Arachnivore Learning from Latin and Greek Roots Growing Your Vocabulary: Chapter @: Chapter Ge Nature’s Demands Nature’s Demands Eating and sleeping—it's what we do every day and night. In this chapter, you will learn some new words to describe nature's daily demands, Roots to Lear Words to Learn: Tit vor/vour dorm devour ‘omnivore voracious arachnivore carnivore dormitory herbivore dormant The Latin word VORARE, VORATUM means “to eat" The roots VOR and VOUR come from the word VORARE, VORATUM. Many other English words come from these two roots. If you DEVOUR something, you eat it completely. nev! peerenont You can also DEVOUR things that are not food. For example, 8 wt eureres tt when a new and exciting novel comes out, people may devour it they read it with as much excitement as hungry people show when they eat food. When | tured around, Spat was devouring my pizzal “Our envy of others devours us most SUFFIX ALARM! “ious means “full of” 3 age religion — ion + ious =-religious—full of religion (bh —— Growing Your Vocabulary: Learning from Latin and Greek Roots Chapter @: Nature’s Demands Someone who is VORACIOUS iis {ull of hunger devour, VORACIOUS can be used to talk about Like the word one who is a voracious reader things other than food. Som loves books. Did You Know? Cockroaches are voracious eaters. When they can't find food they like, they'll eat anything from book bindings to wallpaper glue, Ever hear the expression,’‘She eats lke a bird”? It means she doesn't eat very much. However, most birds are voracious. They eat. 100% of what they weigh ee x " oan a you think you could ever eat what Jacob clvays hos 0 voracious ‘appetite by dinner time. (A CARNIVORE és 2n animal that eats mainly other animals, Some examples of CARNIVORES are lions, dolphins, foxes, and snakes. An HERBIVORE is 20 animal that eats mainly plants. Some examples of HERBIVORES are elephants, cows, deer, rabbits, and mice Carnivorous Plants Plants can be carnivorous, too. The = © Venus fiytrap waits for an insect to land on one of its leaves, Suddenly, the leaf snaps shut! The insect is ‘repped. Pitcher plants are also carnivorous. They look lke pitchers fll of nectar ‘When an insect stops to take a drink, it sips down into the bottom of the “pitcher The plant then digests the Tri pitcher plants carnivorous. insect. Some pitcher plants are even large enough to catch smal frogs! How many times do you chew your food? Cows chew their food twice—once when they when they burp it up. Like other herbivores, a cow has a digestive system perfect Ir attracts insects with its sel. digesting tough plants. Cows have four stomachs, Fist, cow chews its food just enough to swallow it-Then. the food Wavels ftened and turned into something called “cud:"Then the into the first and second stomachs, where it 's so cow burps up the cud and chews it again This time, when the cow swallows the cud travels into the third stomach, and then the fourth, Now, thats a digestive system! @ Growing Your Vocabulary: Learning from Latin and Greek Roots

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