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[14:09:41] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7 {FFFFFF}Started
[14:09:42] KMF - Damage Informer - {00FAFF}0.3.7
[14:09:42] Original mod - {00FAFF}Kewl & Rasta
[14:09:42] Updated to 0.3.7/NO SAMPFUNCS - {00FAFF}RENKO & Rasta
[14:09:42] Modifed - {00FAFF}Dark_Knight
[14:09:44] Connecting to
[14:09:45] WallHack PLUS - 0.3.7 - {00DDE8}UGBASE.EU
[14:09:46] Connected. Joining the game...
[14:10:06] Connected to {B9C9BF}YUnited Balkan RP | vracanje accova forum
[14:10:12] {FFFFFF}[YUB]: {F81414}Prikljucivanje na server onemoguceno!
[14:10:12] {FFFFFF}[YUB]: {F3FF02}Razlog: Ban korisnika Michael Beauregard na
[14:10:12] Server closed the connection.

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