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V o l u m e X V I I I , I s s u e 6



God’s Abundance
People—The Purpose of Abundance
Our concluding teaching on God’s abundance focuses on the purpose of abundance. The last portion of
2 Corinthians 9:8 says, “That you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every
good work.” The purpose for which God supplies abundance is not merely selfish indulgence. Don’t get
me wrong. I believe God likes to see us enjoying His provision. It makes Him happy. But that is not the
ultimate purpose. Rather, it is that we will have abundance “for every good work.” The purpose of abun-
dance is that we will be able to do everything God asks us to do with complete sufficiency.

ne of the remarkable attributes of the Christians God’s purpose from creation onward is to dwell with man.
in the New Testament is that they never said, “If Consider two historic examples in the Bible where God
we have enough money, we will do this.” They asked His people, Israel, to provide for Him a dwelling
just said, “We will go here . . . we will go there . . . we will place. The first dwelling place is the tabernacle of Moses.
do this.” Money really was not the question. Though they The second is the temple of Solomon. In each case, God
had much to say about money and were very practical in provided His people with abundance in advance, that
handling it, their plans did not depend on money. That out of their abundance they might return to Him all
is very different from the contemporary church, where
that would be needed to provide Him a dwelling place
so much of what is planned is dependent upon money.
suitable to His glory.
God also gave very precise specifications as to the
The Primary Good Work kind of dwelling place He wanted. He did not leave one
measure nor one material to chance. Everything was
precisely specified, and everything was of the highest
One specific good work for which God provides
quality. There was nothing cheap or shoddy in anything
abundance is the primary “good work”: that we may
provide Him a dwelling place. The purpose of God from God required for His dwelling place. I believe that agrees
creation onward has been to dwell with man. We often with the very nature of God.
talk as though the ultimate for us is to get to heaven. First, let’s examine God’s provision for the tabernacle
However, in reading the Bible, I find that the ultimate of Moses and the way it came about. Then let’s look at
is to get heaven to earth. In the closing chapters of the God’s provision for the temple of Solomon and the way
Bible, we do not find earth going up to heaven; we find it came about. After that, we will conclude by giving an
heaven coming down to earth. The ultimate thrust of up-to-date application of these examples for you and me.
V o l u m e X V I I I , I s s u e 6

so frightened that all they wanted was to onyx stones. . . . All who are gifted
get rid of these people, no matter what artisans among you shall come and
The Tabernacle of Moses it cost. make all that the LORD has com-
There is a beautiful description of manded.’” Exodus 35:4–10
In Genesis 15, God made a covenant the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt in
with Abraham. He also gave him a Psalm 105:37: The people were to bring their
preview of the captivity of Israel in offerings out of the abundance God had
Egypt. He also brought them out with sil- provided for them through redemption
ver and gold, and there was none to make the kind of dwelling God
God said to Abram, “Know for
feeble among His tribes. required. He gave them no options
certain that your descendants will
about the dwelling place. There was to
be strangers in a land that is not Redemption makes total provision be gold, silver and bronze. Everything
theirs, where they will be enslaved for the needs of the redeemed. For had to be made just the way He
and oppressed four hundred years. Israel in Egypt, it all came through required. However, His requirements
But I will also judge the nation faith in the blood of the Passover lamb.
were not unreasonable because He had
whom they will serve, and after- That faith released the supply of every
already given them everything they
ward they will come out with many need—spiritual, physical, and material.
were going to need to comply with His
possessions.” verses 13–14 NASB Some three million people marched out
of Egypt. Not one of them limped, not
The Living Bible says, “they will come The final result is described in Exodus
one of them hobbled, not one of them
away with great wealth.” When God 36:
used a cane or a crutch. In the church
predicted the captivity of Israel in Egypt
today, we have a long way to go to So Moses gave a commandment,
and their subsequent deliverance,
attain that standard, but I believe it is and they caused it to be proclaimed
He emphasized that when they were
God’s standard. I believe redemption is throughout the camp, saying, “Let
redeemed and delivered, they would
complete and that it covers every area of neither man nor woman do any
come out with great wealth. This was
our lives. more work for the offering of the
not an accident. It was part of God’s
When God redeemed them, He took sanctuary.” And the people were
foreordained purpose.
care of everything in one act, and they restrained from bringing, for the
We see this prediction fulfilled in
came out healthy and wealthy, with material they had was sufficient
Exodus 12. It came as the immediate
an abundance of gold and silver and for all the work to be done—in-
result of the Passover night, when the
everything that was precious. deed too much. verses 6–7
families of the Israelites had been spared
We must understand, however, that
and every firstborn of the Egyptians
God had a purpose in all this. God gave Notice the closing phrase: “sufficient
had been killed.
Moses the plan for the tabernacle where . . . indeed too much.” By definition, that
Now the sons of Israel had done He was going to dwell in the midst of is abundance. Regrettably, we do not
according to the word of Moses, for His people. Then He told Moses that often see such a situation in modern
they had requested from the Egyp- the people were to provide the material congregations.
tians articles of silver and articles and labor to build the tabernacle. Redemption provides abundance,
of gold, and clothing; and the LORD but the goal of redemption is a dwelling
had given the people favor in the And Moses spoke to all the con- place for God to dwell among His
sight of the Egyptians, so that they gregation of the children of Israel, people. And out of what God gives us
let them have their request. Thus saying, “This is the thing which the through redemption, He asks us to give
they plundered the Egyptians. LORD commanded, saying: ‘Take back to Him that which will provide
verses 35–36 NASB from among you an offering to the His dwelling place.
LORD. Whoever is of a willing heart,
The Living Bible says, “they stripped let him bring it as an offering to
the Egyptians.” The fact is that the the LORD: gold, silver, and bronze; The Temple of Solomon
Israelites took everything the Egyptians blue, purple, and scarlet thread, fine
had—gold, silver, raiment. Anything linen, goats’ hair; rams’ skins dyed David is first presented to us in
they set their eyes on and asked for, they red, and badgers’ skins, and accacia Scripture in a very humble setting—
got. Why? Because the Egyptians were wood; oil for the light, and spices . . . the youngest son in a family of little

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V o l u m e X V I I I , I s s u e 6

wealth, out on the rocky mountains of of iron, wood for things of wood,
Judah, looking after his father’s sheep onyx stones, stones to be set, glis-
(see 1 Samuel 16:6–13). Yet, by the end tening stones of various colors, God’s Ultimate
of his life David had disposed of the all kinds of precious stones, and Dwelling Place
equivalent of many millions of dollars. marble slabs in abundance.”
Before his death, he bequeathed to 1 Chronicles 29:2 The upsurge in the economy of Israel
the house of God—to the temple that that made possible the building of the
Solomon was to build—the equivalent Notice the closing word of David’s temple did not take long—less than
of about $100 million out of his own description—abundance. It sums up seventy years. I believe God is doing
private fortune. the provision made for the temple just a work in our day that parallels what
He did for Israel in the days of David,
One very significant realization we as it summed up the provision made for
because God has a purpose. What is that
need to make is that during the reign the tabernacle. Abundance is, in fact,
purpose? He wants a dwelling place.
of David there was a fantastic increase the level of provision that God always
He wants to dwell with man. And He is
in the wealth of Israel. I do not know makes for His people. There is nothing
very precise about the specifications of
any way to calculate it, but their gross limited or stingy about it. He is the God
His dwelling place. He is not stingy. He
national product must have been of abundance.
wants everything of the highest quality.
multiplied hundreds of times over. Out of his own personal fortune, However, the dwelling place being
What had been a poor, struggling nation David provided the equivalent in gold constructed for God in this age differs
that made its living out of husbandry— of about $75 million. That does not in kind from both the tabernacle and
agriculture, cattle and sheep—had include the silver or the other materials the temple. The distinctive character of
become fantastically wealthy by the end (see verses 3–4). God’s dwelling place today is described
of David’s reign. by Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:16–17:
That was no accident. Israel’s wealth Further on, we read what the leaders
was partly the result of God’s blessing also gave out of their own possessions: Do you not know that you are the
on David. We know that whenever God temple of God and that the Spirit
finds a man after His own heart to lead Then the leaders of the fathers’ of God dwells in you? If anyone
His people, He will bless His people houses, leaders of the tribes of Is- defiles the temple of God, God will
through that man. But apart from that, rael, the captains of thousands and destroy him. For the temple of God
God had a further purpose. At the end of hundreds, with the officers over is holy, which temple you are.
of David’s reign, God wanted Israel to the king’s work, offered willingly.
be ready for the construction of the They gave for the work of the house In a similar way, Peter says:
temple Solomon was to build. Again, of God five thousand talents and
ten thousand darics of gold, ten You also, as living stones, are being
God’s goal was a dwelling place where built up a spiritual house, a holy
He could be among His people. And thousand talents of silver, eighteen
priesthood . . . 1 Peter 2:5
again, every detail of that dwelling place thousand talents of bronze, and
was precisely defined. Nothing was left one hundred thousand talents of We are talking here about God’s
to the imagination of the builder. iron. verses 6–7 ultimate dwelling place, which is not
The account of what was given for made of gold or silver or of any of the
the construction of Solomon’s temple According to my calculation, the marvelously precious materials that
contains some of the most glorious figures in this passage amount to were lavished on the temple of Solomon.
language found anywhere in writing. $125 million worth of gold. Between There is something infinitely more
There is something breathtaking about them, David and the elders gave the precious to God, and that is people.
the words David uses to describe the equivalent of $200 million of gold out When God wants the most precious
preparation he had made for the temple: of their own private fortunes. This is dwelling place of all, He chooses one
apart from the silver, precious stones, made up of people, not materials.
“Now for the house of my God I wood, marble and all the other items And we are the people! We are God’s
have prepared with all my might: contributed. That is staggering! We dwelling place! If God was so particular
gold for things to be made of gold, need to remember in all this that David and so lavish about the tabernacle of
silver for things of silver, bronze started as a little shepherd boy on the Moses, and even more so about the
for things of bronze, iron for things rocky hills of Judea. temple of Solomon—both of which

t h e t e a c h i n g l e g a c y o f d e r e k p r i n c e | d p m a r c h i v e
V o l u m e X V I I I , I s s u e 6

were temporary buildings—do you The Lord is not talking here about ness will cover the earth and deep
think He will be less particular or the temple that was built in the days darkness the peoples; but the LORD
less lavish about His ultimate, eternal of Haggai, because that temple was will rise upon you, and His glory
dwelling place, which is you and me? destroyed nineteen centuries ago. He is will appear upon you. Nations will
Completing this dwelling place will talking about the close of this age and come to your light, and kings to the
require both labor and expense far His dwelling place at this time. (See also brightness of your rising.”
beyond all that went into Solomon’s Hebrews 12:25–29.) The Lord says, “I verses 1–5 NASB
temple. The living stones whom God has will fill this house with glory.” But first
Once again, there is a direct connection
chosen must be quarried from all nations He says the wealth of the nations is going
between the revelation of God’s glory and
on the face of the earth, for God will to come to provide all that will be needed
the wealth of the nations. God’s purpose
not be satisfied until “all nations, tribes, to build a house suited to His glory.
is to have a dwelling place suited to His
peoples, and tongues” are represented The statement that follows in verse
glory. For this purpose, He will make
(Revelation 7:9). Therefore, God has 8 is extremely important: “‘The silver is
available to His people the wealth of the
ordained that “This gospel of the kingdom Mine, and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD
shall be preached in all the world for a of hosts.” When Jesus died and rose from
Do you believe that applies to
witness to all nations” (Matthew 24:14). the dead, all the treasures of this entire
us today? I do! Why will we need
I believe there is a reason these earth became legitimately His. He is the this wealth? So we can complete the
examples of the tabernacle and the temple heir of all things, and we are co-heirs dwelling place of God which is made
are given in the Old Testament. God wants with Him. We share the inheritance. So, up of living stones. People. Millions
us to understand how much it is going in actual fact, we have a legitimate right and millions of people, many of whom
to cost to complete His ultimate dwelling to the silver and the gold through Jesus have not yet been reached even once
place in this age. We know, of course, that Christ. with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
we cannot pay for our redemption, nor Continuing on with what God says It will cost a lot. It will cost lives. It
can the salvation of a soul be measured in in this passage from Haggai 2, in verse will cost time. And it will cost money. It
terms of finance. But if we take seriously 9 God returns to the theme of the glory: will cost everything we have. But God
our responsibility to present the gospel will make all abundance available to us
of the Kingdom to the billions of people “The glory of this latter temple [the
for the work of completing His dwelling
of today’s world, it is only practical to ultimate house of God] shall be
acknowledge that it is going to cost greater than the former,” says the
Taken from a New Wine Magazine
billions of dollars. Literal dollars. It is LORD of hosts. “And in this place will article dated January 1979.
utterly unrealistic to talk about getting the I give peace,” says the LORD of hosts.
job done without finances. Again, it is obvious that this mention For further study, we recom-
mend Derek Prince’s audio CD:
of the temple is not a reference to the
Filling the Temple temple that was built in the days of Into the Harvest
Haggai. That temple perished in war. We are making this material available to you
at no charge. Just use the enclosed reply slip
God’s provision that is needed for Rather, it refers to the dwelling place to request your copy.
this ultimate dwelling place is revealed of God at the close of this age. What Reproduction of articles from
in Haggai 2:6–9: is God’s dwelling place at the close of the DPM archive for free
distribution is permitted. To
this age? You and me, His people, His receive regular teaching and
“For thus says the LORD of hosts: completed church, His Body! The Lord encouragement by e-mail, sub-
scribe at
‘Once more (it is a little while) I promises that for the purpose of building
will shake heaven and earth, the that dwelling, the wealth of the nations
sea and dry land; and I will shake will come.
all nations, and they shall come Let’s look at one last picture in Isaiah
to the Desire [wealth] of All Na- 60. Again, these words are spoken to
tions, and I will fill this temple with God’s people at the close of this age.
glory,’ says the LORD of hosts” Derek Prince Ministries
verses 6–7 “Arise, shine; for your light has P.O. Box 19501
Charlotte, NC 28219
come, and the glory of the LORD has 704.357.3556
What temple? God’s dwelling place. risen upon you. For behold, dark-

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