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Philippine Values is defined by the way of people live their life as an influence of one’s
culture. The Philippines, although with ethnic differences, has practiced a unique culture
throughout the nation.

One of the traits of Filipinos is being family-centered. They are known with its unique
values in maintaining respect and harmony among family members. The Filipinos recognize their
family as an important social structure that one must take care of.

Gratitude or ‘’’utang na loob’’’ is also a very popular Filipino characteristic. One does not
forget the good deeds that others may have done to him or her especially at times of great need.
This debt of gratitude are sometimes abused by those who have done well to others as they may
ask favors or things that may either be unreasonable or beyond the means of the one in debt.

Shame or ’’Hiya’’ is another very common Filipino value. It is said that Filipinos would go
to great lengths in order for one not to be ashamed. Hiya has a great influence on one’s behavior
for one will do everything, even if it is beyond his means just to save his reputation as well as the
families. The Filipinos feel pressured to meet the status of the society when it comes to
economic standing. One indication of this might be a willingness to spend more than they can
afford on a party rather than be shame by their economic circumstances.

In a smaller scale, Mountain Province in the Cordilleran region as the ancestral domain
of Igorots also practice its simple way of maintaining peace among folks and younger generation
throughout time. Although with a touch of modernization, it can't be denied that folks still had
the greatest part on observing peace and harmony in the community.

Research Questions:

1. What is inayan and inayan values?

2. What are the importance of Inayan Values?

3. How do folks maintain such values?

4. How do youth before differs on how youth of today respond on Inayan Values?

5. What are the specific scenarios or events in which inayan values are needed?

6. What are the specific traditions or practices in which inayan is prevented?

Scope and Delimitations:

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