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Emma Davis

Reading Guide Week 7

1) The framework that I like best is the Unit Project centered framework (p. 148, Gottlieb & Ernst-
Slavit). I like this one best because I think that regular content teachers should always bring
language usage into their curriculum. This framework allows for all student s to benefit from
language learning targets.
If I were to create a curricular framework I would have it focus on either a project or a
unit assessment of some kind. Then I would break up my unit into language targets and content
targets. Lastly, I would have the students work through the Development of Knowledge stages
by doing small group work activities.

2) When faced with the phrase “every student is a language learner and every teacher is a
language teacher” I would react in agreement because our book says that “Mastery of the
academic language is arguably the single most important determinate of academic success for
individual students…” (p. 153, Gottlieb & Ernst-Slavit). This tells us that even native English
speakers have something to learn about academic language from their teachers. Also, the book
says that CCSS wants to help teachers to help their students. “Professional learning must
contribute to expanding the teachers’ knowledge of content, increasing their understanding and
use of academic language, and extending teachers’ repertoire of pedagogical practices for both
content and language (p. 154, Gottlieb & Ernst-Slavit). This tells us that to succeed with the new
CCSS, all teachers must also become language teachers.

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