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Mammals: Every year during the dry season millions of zebra, wildebeest, and
gazelles in and around the Serengeti National park in Africa, begin their annual
migration to find drinking water and fresh pastures. It is the largest terrestrial mammal
migration on earth. These herds can change the direction of their migration, to adapt to
environmental conditions, such as the noise of thunder which is an indicator of rain.
Migration is also crucial for the survival of many species of bats and marine mammals
like whales and dolphins.
3. Insects: One of the most famous migrations in the world is that of the monarch
butterflies. It is a remarkable feat of evolution, because the migration takes 3
generations of butterflies to travel from Mexico to Canada. This migration is necessary
because the plants on which these butterflies feed don’t grow in southern regions. The
fourth generation (sometimes called super-generation) travels back from Canada to
Mexico to escape the cold temperatures and over-winter.

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