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Doubts always exits in human mind despite of the age. To make err is humane, similarly the
tendency to clarify are also humane. Its moreover the basic functioning of human nature to clarify
doubts on the matter they are unaware of. From infants to old age.

Human lives are confined to a pyramid on base of the mental and physical growth actuallty because
the status and mental stage of an infant is reformed by time we reach 70s and 80s. it actaually a
transformation from dependency to independency and again to dependency. And it is very much
obvious that all of us goes through these trans states are we are created as amums.

But this recognition is absent to our co-beings tat we are not willing to accept the fact of health
issues, dependency, relationships. The change of human mind set is tremendous. The ownership of
change shall be taken by the stress, strain and the busy schedule of this era. We just forget that we
are automated machines that may stop functioning at some point of time. We never bother about
the people around, not even our siblings and parents. It can be due to the selfishness that we hold.
The thrust in us gain lot of things but when we are in a hurry to leave we forget the complexities in
relationships and some areas were we have to spare our longings and belongings.

The life situations of people vary when we consider the habitaution of them. Sometimes we think it
may be due to the urban life that ther eare certain issues but no matter of an urban or rural you are
very much changed and so cant recognise what to do, when to do and were to do.its been a high
time to think about these factors because always there can be an end. The end to the world too is
approaching, I guess.

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