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An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

absent present come go

accept refuse/reject correct incorrect/wrong
active passive damage repair
add subtract day night
agree disagreed dead alive
alert drowsy deep shallow
ancient modern different same/alike
ancestor descendant disciplined undisciplined
appear disappear double single
asleep awake dry wet
attack defend early late
beautiful ugly/hideous east west
before after empty full
below above expand contract
best worst fail pass/succeed
bitter sweet fair dark/unfair
black white famous unknown
bless curse far near
boring interesting/lively fast slow
borrow lend fat thin
brave cowardly/timid few many
bright stupid/dull/dark first last
broad narrow follower leader
busy idle foolish wise/clever
careful careless friendly unfriendly/hostile
cheap expensive/dear fresh stale
cheerful sad/unhappy front back
child adult future past
clean dirty generous stingy
cloudy clear gentle rough
clumsy graceful give take
coarse smooth/fine good bad/evil/naughty
cool warm hate love
cold hot hard soft
hard-working lazy put remove
harmful harmless question answer
healthy unhealthy/sickly quick slow
heavy light rare common
here there reluctant eager/keen
helpful unhelpful rest work/move
high low rich poor
hit miss ripe unripe
honest dishonest right wrong/left
hopeful hopeless rise fall/decline/drop
huge tiny/small rural urban
import export safe dangerous/harmful
in out sell buy/purchase
increase decrease/lessen separate join/unite
innocent guilty simple complex/difficult
inside outside sharp blunt
joy sorrow short tall/long
junior senior singular plural
kind unkind/cruel/mean sit stand
land sea small big/huge
laugh cry/weep spend save
leave arrive start end/finish
length breadth/width stormy calm
life death stupid clever/intelligent
listen talk straight crooked/bent
little much suitable unsuitable
liquid solid talkative quiet
loud soft teach learn
loudly softly temporary permanent
loving hateful thick thin
lucky unlucky thoughtful thoughtless
male female throw catch
master servant tidy untidy
maximum minimum tight loose
natural artificial tiny huge
neat untidy top bottom
negative positive true false/untrue
noisy quiet/silent under over
north south up down
obey disobey vacant occupied
obedient disobedient victory defeat
often seldom violent peaceful
open close/shut war peace
on off wasteful economical
painful painless wide narrow
pleasant unpleasant wild tame
polite ruse/impolite wrong correct/right
possible impossible young old/elderly
proud humble
public private
pull push

A synonym is a word that has the same meaning or nearly the same
meaning as another as another word.

active energetic big huge/large

adore worship/idolise bold brave
afraid frightened/scared broad wide
allow permit bright clever/shining
amount quantity brief short
animal beast capture catch
ask question cheap inexpensive
bad wicked/spoilt cheat deceive/trick
beat hit cheerful happy/merry/joyful
coarse rough ailment
conduct behaviour intelligent clever/smart
cold chilly interesting captivating
conceal hide king emperor
copy imitate last final
cunning sly weep learn study
cry wet/moist listen hear
damp hard lucky fortunate
difficult trained middle centre
disciplined deceitful/untruthful mischief harm
dishonest show/exhibit modern new
display far naughty mischievous
distant fall/decline neat tidy
drop sleepy near close
drowsy stupid/boring/ noisy loud/rowdy
dull gloomy/uninteresting occupation job/work
eager keen odd strange/peculiar
endanger harm/hurt old aged/ancient
enemy opponent/foe own possess
error mistake perform do
examine check/inspect pleased glad
expensive dear/costly polite courteous
external outside ponder think
extra surplus poor needy
explode burst powerful strong/rich
faithful loyal predict foretell
false untrue pretty lovely
famous well-known protect guard
fatal deadly proud arrogant
fate destiny pupil student
fierce ferocious pure clean
find discover pursue chase
fear terror purpose motive
friend companion jungle forest
fresh new jump leap
funny amusing just fair
gain profit quick fast
gather collect regular constant
gaze stare reduce decrease/lessen
gentle meek reply answer
gift present ripe mature
govern rule risky dangerous
graceful elegant robber burglar/thief
halt stop round circular
hard-working diligent rude impolite/offensive
help aid save rescue
high tall see look/watch
honest truthful select choose/pick
internal inside silent quiet
illness disease/sickness simple plain
small little/tiny sign symbol
smell odour understand comprehend
start begin unhappy sad/miserable/
stone pebble depressed
suitable fit unite join
tale story unkind cruel
talk converse/chat/speak unusual uncommon
tie fasten vacant empty
trust believe war battle
try attempt weak feeble/frail
under below wealthy rich/prosperous
yearly annual

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