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Examination Results Normal Range Inference

October 4, 2018
Clinical Chemistry
Sodium 134 ꜜ 137.00-145.00 mmol/L
Potassium 4.0 3.60-5.00 mmol/L
Chloride 101 96.00-107.00 mmol/L
BUN 3.24 2.50-7.14 mmol/L
Creatinine 81 46.00-110.00 umol/L
October 5, 2018
Complete Blood Count/ Platelet Count
Hemoglobin 135 120.00-160.00 g/L
Hematocrit 0.40 0.38-0.47
RBC Count 3.97 ꜜ 4.50-6.00x10^12/L
Platelet Count 190 150.00-400.00x10^9/L
WBC Count 9.3 4.50-11.00x10^9/L
MCV 100 80.00-100.00 fl
MCH 34.0 ꜛ 27.00-33.00 pg
MCHC 34.2 31.00-36.00 g/dL
RDW-CV 14.4 11.00-16.00%
RDW-SD 51 37.00-54.00 fl
Differential Count:
Neutrophils 0.65 0.35-0.65
Lymphocytes 0.26 0.20-0.40
Monocytes 0.07 0.02-0.08
Eosinophils 0.02 0.00-0.05
October 4, 2018
Chest PA/AP (Adult)
Suspicious convex density at the right
apical region/para tracheal area with
ipsilateral deviation of the trachea.
Rule out mass lesion
No active pulmonary infiltrates.
Heart is magnified.
Diaphragms, costophrenic sulci are
October 4, 2018
CT Scan: Cranial Plain
Multiple axial tomographic secretions of Chronic infarct, left occipital lobe.
the cranium without contrast were Background chronic small vessel
obtained. ischemic changes.
The Ct images reveal no demonstrable Age related cerebrocerebellar atrophy.
acute parenchymal haemorrhage.
Chronic infarct is seen in the left occipital
lobe with ipsilateral ex vacuo dilatation of
the lateral ventricle.
Background of hypo densities are seen in
both periventricular and deep subcortical
white matter.
The ventricular system, cortical sulci,
lateral fissures, basal cisterns and
cerebellar foliae are prominent.
The bony calvarium is intact.
No Extracalvarial soft tissue swelling is
Visualized paranasal sinuses and
mastoids are clear.

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