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Senior Project Reflection

As a global-minded citizen, it can be overwhelming to look at the world and its

complexity. Through the Global Studies and World Languages Academy, I have been given the

opportunity to learn about various countries and cultures, the problems they face, and the

solutions being proposed. Through the senior project, this academy empowers its young students

to take all the information they learned and apply it to their personal passions. Through the

senior project, I was not only able to look at an issue in depth but take action as well.

Starting in February 2018, I reached out to the #HowtoLife movement through Instagram

and began planning my own event. I was inspired by this teen-to-teen movement and wanted to

take an individual step to reach my peers with the Gospel. Because I knew that I would be

spending several months mobilizing a leadership team and planning this event from start to

finish, I decided to use the hard work I was putting in for an additional purpose and make this

event my senior project action. The core reason that this movement began - and the reason why I

wanted to be a part of it - was because the founder, Jordan Whitmer, noticed that our generation,

Generation Z, was the least Christian generation in history. Because teenagers are typically more

responsive to other teenagers, a student-led movement to reach Generation Z and address this

statistic was born.

Just like Jordan, I have seen my peers lack a Christian worldview or any absolute

worldview. The influence of technology and social media has developed pluralism, unhealthy

insecurity, and confusion of being and purpose. The research paper portion of this project gave

me the opportunity to look deeper into the causes and effects of this issue and organize it into a
logical argument. Not only was I able to use this information to make my personal ministry more

effective, but I also developed college-level writing skills that will be useful to me in the future.

As a whole, this project, both paper and action, taught me leadership, research, and time

management skills that can only be developed through initiative and experience. I have not

mastered any of these skills, but this project revealed my strengths, weaknesses, and overall what

I am capable of as a student and leader.

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