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News Prompt 1

By: Whitney Punnoose

A group of seniors decided to release hundreds of balloons into the school, on

April 13 as there senior. The student blew up the balloons the night before

and stuffed them into garbage bags,the morning came and the students

released them into the hallways.

“The hallways were too chaotic and super loud during the balloon release,”

math teacher Grace Killen said.

Even though many people have different viewpoints, what else did they think

was gonna happen.

“We really thought she would make us pick up the trash and serve a few

detentions - at the most” senior Alfred Refugio said.

Now does the punishment fit the crime?

“Let the punishment fit the crime,” Milly Kanur said.

No one was hurt but some say the punishment was just and some say it


“The principal’s punishment is too severe” Refugio said.

Even though the students released the balloons and it was noisy did they hurt

anyone? “We didn’t vandalize anything. We didn’t hurt anyone” said Ruby


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