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News Story 2

Sophomore Stacy Carol has spent the last nine days at in-chool-suspension
for wearing a lip piercing that is against dress code. Some people believe
Stacy to be dumb for saying a piercing is a part of her religion, but many
others do not think the same way. “It is in the best interest of the school to
allow her religious exemption from the dress code,” ACLU lawyer Sonia
Stephens said.
This shows that many people disagree with the schools decision to not allow
Stacy to wear her piercing. Stacy’s mom said she is proud of Stacy for
supporting herself in this case along with ACLU.
“My daughter wants to go to class, but doesn’t want her first amendment
rights trampled,” Loreina Carol said.
Stacy agrees with her mother.
“Our spirituality comes from what we choose to do with ourselves,” Stacy
Carol said.
However some people such as the staff of this high school disagree.
“We have a dress code to order and discipline in our schools,” superintendent
Parker Gordon said.
Some people don’t feel as mad about the subject.
“I don’t think you can compare the Muslim Religion to the Church of Body
Modification.” junior Amina Shakuri said.
Just like Shakuri many other people feel similar some may even feel more
upset about this opinion.
“Just because a few people get together and call themselves a church doesn’t
mean they are a church in the eyes of the law.” Says Jett Ramirez.

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