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no Author &Year Country Sample Data Studied Time period

1 Suresh, A. S. (2013) INDIA - Till 2013
2 Petrusheva, N., & Jordanoski, I. (2016) Macedonia - 2002-2016
3 Lahmiri, S. (2011) Canada 2011
4 Argiddi et al (2014) INDIA 1993-2014
5 Wafi et al (2015) Egyptian (37) nonfinancial companies (1998 – 2009)
6 Rajput, V., & Bobde, S. (2016). INDIA historic data 2016
7 C. Boobalan (2014)
8 Chang, Metghalchi, and Chan (2006)

Way Of Working , Time Horizon

data mining technology

Independent Variable
Economic indicators, Industry life cycle analysis, Competitve analysis , Sales Profitablity of co. EPS
Financial Analysis, supply, Demand, Trading Volume,
p is the number of input nodes, q is the number of hidden nodes, and ƒ is a nonlinear activation function that enables the system to learn nonlinear features.
clustering, artificial neural networks, decision tree
BVPSi,t-1 consider to Book Value per share
prediction model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), JST-based method
Dependent Variable
Economic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Company Analysis
Future Value, Candel stick Chart, Head And Shoulders, Cup And Handle
Dwk is a vector of weights changes, gk is the current gradient
genetic algorithm, expert systems and fuzzy logic
Pi,t :expected closing stock, EPSi,t-1 Earning Per Share to the company
Typical price(TP),Bollinger bands, Relative strength index (RSI), CMI and MA
Expected and Actual Return may vary
Technical Is For Short Term & Fundamental for long Term
Backpropagation neural networks (BPNN) are trained with standard steepest descent
classic machine intelligence techniques,chart pattern discovery,mining the sentiment
Credibility of results produced by the Technical Analysis Method in forecasting the future stock prices compared to the results of forecasting using the Fundamental
the role of sentiments that is played by them in the movement of stock prices
High income earner has a high risk apetite
At times Stock are overvalued Due Fundamental
It's not very convienent to apply algorithoms.
It,s not always predictible For the stock Market by Fundamental and technical.
Its not always credibile to use Technical analysis

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