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D-le C-rnegie

!. Donʼt criticize, condemn, or compl-in.

#. Give honest -nd sincere -ppreci-tion.
$. Arouse in the other person -n e-ger need or w-nt.
%. Become genuinely interested in other people.
&. Smile.
'. Remember th-t - personʼs n-me is to th-t person the sweetest -nd most
import-nt sound in -ny l-ngu-ge.
(. Be - good listener. Encour-ge others to t-lk -bout themselves.
). T-lk in terms of the other personʼs interests.
*. M-ke the other person feel import-nt – -nd do it sincerely.
!+. The only w-y to get the best of -n -rgument is to -void it.
!!. Show respect for other personʼs opinions. Never s-y, “Youʼre wrong.”
!#. If you -re wrong, -dmit it quickly -nd emph-tic-lly.
!$. Begin in - friendly w-y.
!%. Get the other person s-ying “yes, yes” immedi-tely.
!&. Let the other person do - gre-t de-l of the t-lking.
!'. Let the other person feel th-t the ide- is his or hers.
!(. Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view.
!). By symp-thetic with the other personʼs ide-s -nd desires.
!*. Appe-l to the other nobler motives.
#+. Dr-m-tize your ide-s.
#!. Throw down - ch-llenge.
##. Begin with pr-ise -nd honest -ppreci-tion.
#$. C-ll -ttention to peopleʼs mist-kes indirectly.
#%. T-lk -bout your own mist-kes before criticizing the other person.
#&. Ask questions inste-d of giving direct orders.
#'. Let the other person s-ve f-ce.
#(. Pr-ise the slightest improvement -nd pr-ise every improvement. Be “he-rty
in your -ppreci-tion -nd l-vish in your pr-ise.”
#). Give the other person - fine reput-tion to live up to.
#*. Use encour-gement. M-ke the f-ult seem e-sy to correct.
$+. M-ke the other person h-ppy -bout doing the thing you suggest.

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