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New gout treatment approved 500 each, and the 80-mg tablets will be

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packaged in bottles of 30, 100, and 1000

T akeda Pharmaceutical Company

Limited on February 13 announced
the approval of febuxostat, a xanthine
stroke—have not been causally linked to
febuxostat use.
Clinical trial participants who re-
each. Both strengths will also be avail-
able in 100-tablet unit dose packages for
oxidase inhibitor, for the reduction of ceived febuxostat were also more likely The recommended starting dosage for
elevated serum uric acid levels in patients than allopurinol recipients to have febuxostat is 40 mg taken once daily. The
with gout. elevated liver enzyme levels. The label- dosage can be increased to 80 mg daily
Febuxostat, which Takeda will sell in ing recommends that febuxostat users if serum uric acid levels do not fall to
the United States as Uloric oral tablets, undergo periodic testing of liver func- 6 mg/dL or lower as early as two weeks
is intended for the long-term manage- tion and monitoring for cardiovascular after initiating therapy.
ment of gout. FDA-approved labeling for events. Alan MacKenzie, president of Takeda’s
febuxostat cautions against the use of the In clinical trials, the most frequent North American division, said in a state-
drug in patients who have elevated serum adverse events reported among fe- ment that febuxostat is the first new gout
uric acid levels without a diagnosis of gout. buxostat recipients were nausea, rash, treatment in 40 years. Takeda did not an-
Gout is a painful arthritic disorder joint pain, and liver function test value nounce a launch date for the drug.
caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals abnormalities. —Kate Traynor
in joints and soft tissues. Febuxostat tablets will be sold in 40-
DOI 10.2146/news090028
The labeling for febuxostat states that and 80-mg strengths. The 40-mg tablets
the drug, at therapeutic concentrations, will be packaged in bottles of 30, 90, and
decreases serum uric acid levels by block-
ing xanthine oxidase but is not believed
to affect other enzymes involved in pu-
rine and pyrimidine synthesis.
Febuxostat is contraindicated in pa-
tients receiving azathioprine, mer-
captopurine, or theophylline because
plasma concentrations of these drugs
may increase to toxic levels as febuxostat
inhibits their metabolic enzyme. Inhaled anesthetics present cost-saving
The labeling states that patients who
begin treatment with febuxostat or other
uric-acid-reducing drugs often suffer
gout flares that do not necessitate dis-
continuing therapy. These patients may
     simple intervention at Montefiore
    Medical Center in the Bronx, New
York, has produced substantial savings
use increased from 169 to 224 bottles per
“Our goal was set out to increase the
benefit from up to six months of prophy- on inhaled anesthetics, says Frank Aroh, amount of sevoflurane that we use and
lactic treatment with a nonsteroidal anti- clinical pharmacy manager for anesthesi- decrease the amount of desflurane,” Aroh
inflammatory drug or colchicine during ology and surgical services. said.
the initiation of febuxostat treatment. The saving—estimated at more than Sevoflurane is more expensive per
Febuxostat recipients in clinical tri- $100,000 from March 2007 to April unit than desflurane. But three bottles
als were more likely than those treated 2008—resulted from reducing the use of of desflurane are needed to maintain
with allopurinol to have a cardiovascular desflurane in favor of sevoflurane in the the same level of anesthesia as one bottle
thromboembolic event. According to the operating suite. During that period, des- of sevoflurane, making that agent less
labeling, these events—which included flurane use gradually decreased from 225 expensive for the hospital to use, Aroh
death and nonfatal heart attack and to 58 bottles per month, and sevoflurane explained.

606 Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 66 Apr 1, 2009


To get the anesthesiologists to reduce “This was a collaborative effort be- esthesiologists put that knowledge into
their desflurane use, Aroh first investi- tween pharmacy and anesthesiology,” practice for their patients.
gated why they seemed to prefer the drug Aroh said. “We got the vice chairman to “I don’t think there are any other phy-
to sevoflurane or isoflurane, which he buy into the program. And then we got sicians that understand the drugs more
called the medical center’s “workhorse” the information to all of the anesthesi- than the anesthesiologists understand
anesthesia agent. ologists. Most of them, I would say 90% their drugs,” he said. “When you speak to
Aroh said Montefiore has about 50 of them, were receptive.” them, you’re talking to them in the same
staff anesthesiologists and the same “We preach evidence-based practice,” sense that you would talk to any pharma-
number of anesthesiology residents. Aroh said. “Our job as pharmacists is to go cist, so they will understand what you say
Overall, he found, many of the physi- back and discuss these things with the phy- and where you’re coming from.”

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cians’ decisions to use desflurane were sicians and say, ‘Listen, I understand that Aroh said pharmacy residents at
unrelated to clinical issues. this is your preferred agent. But look at the Montefiore can get exposure to anesthe-
“What we found is that 90% of the literature; look what we’ve found. There is siology through an elective rotation that
time, they use desflurane because it’s in nothing that supports that that is a better he oversees, and pharmacy students also
the room, not because it’s a drug that drug than this one. You might have been attend rotations in the anesthesiology
they really think they want for that case,” trained with this one, but it doesn’t mean and surgical services areas.
Aroh said. “If it’s there, nobody wants to that the other one is not better.’ ” He said exposing pharmacists to this
reach out for something else.” But he cautioned that the support staff environment broadens their ability to
A review of the literature indicated that who stock the ORs must also be included manage drug use in the hospital.
patients anesthetized with desflurane can in the planning for this type of initiative “With anesthesiology, the issue is,
be extubated about two minutes sooner to work. we’re not up there,” Aroh said. “Nobody
than those given sevoflurane, an advantage “If you take a vaporizer for desflurane wants to put on the scrubs and go in and
Aroh did not believe to be meaningful. and put it in, say, room 1, because you understand the practice and be able to
He said desflurane may be preferable have a case that requires desflurane for make an impact.”
in obese patients, because that drug is a particular patient, when that case is Aroh likened the issue to pharmacy
less readily absorbed than sevoflurane in finished someone needs to go in room practice in the intensive care unit (ICU).
adipose tissue. But overall, he said, there 1 and remove that desflurane vaporizer “If you don’t have somebody in the
are few situations for which evidence and put back the sevoflurane vaporizer,” ICU, you wouldn’t understand the prac-
supports desflurane as the better of the Aroh said. “If you don’t do that, all your tice of an ICU, therefore you can’t make
two drugs. desflurane vaporizers are going to creep an impact in the ICU,” he said.
“If you ask me which gas is the ideal back into all the rooms.” ­—Kate Traynor
gas, I would say sevoflurane,” Aroh said. Aroh credited the success of the proj-
DOI 10.2146/news090029
Although both drugs are indicated for ect to the good professional relationship
the induction and maintenance of anes- between the hospital’s pharmacy and
thesia in adults, the medical center uses anesthesiology departments and the
desflurane for anesthesia maintenance foundation laid during previous formu-
only, he explained. lary initiatives.
Desflurane is much more commonly He said the hospital has achieved New drugs and
associated with airway reactions than savings in the past with neuromuscular dosage forms
sevoflurane when used to induce anes- blocking drugs and fentanyl products by
thesia by mask, according to the prod- convincing anesthesiologists that less- Temozolomide for injection (Temodar,
Schering): An injectable formulation, for ad-
ucts’ FDA-approved labeling. Aroh said expensive agents can perform as well as
ministration by i.v. infusion, was added to the
patients at Montefiore are first given an costlier ones. product line.
i.v. agent for anesthesia induction before “There are so many agents you can do Tobramycin and dexamethasone
receiving desflurane by mask. the same thing with, but you have to have ophthalmic suspension (TobraDex ST, Alcon):
With the support of the anesthesiol- somebody who is dedicated to anesthesi- The combination product is indicated for the
topical treatment of corticosteroid-responsive
ogy department’s vice chairman, a deci- ology to do that,” Aroh said.
inflammatory ocular conditions for which a
sion was made to remove desflurane “I work with the anesthesiologists on corticosteroid is indicated and where superficial
vaporizers from every operating room a daily basis,” he said. “It’s one of those bacterial ocular infection or a risk thereof exists.
(OR), leaving in place vaporizers with areas that are very tough to break into. Trypan blue ophthalmic solution
sevoflurane and isoflurane. Desflurane is But once you get in, you find that they (MembraneBlue, Dutch Ophthalmic USA): The
0.15% sterile stain is indicated for use as an aid
brought in on request when an anesthe- become your best friend.”
during surgical extraction of the contents of the
siologist believes the drug is necessary for Aroh said anesthesiologists, like phar- vitreous chamber of the eye.
a specific case. macists, learn pharmacology, and an-

Am J Health-Syst Pharm—Vol 66 Apr 1, 2009 607

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