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Instructions : Final Trimming Sheet.

aa: Principle & overview ; The trimming sheet contains a model that uses excel solver to arrive at a solution. Solver is a
tool that uses the principle of linear programming which is popular for basic optimization problems such as ours. There is a simple
way of trimming the vessel during the final stages by using tables, unfortunately this is good only for two holds, when you want a
solution for three or more holds it becomes difficult. Also sometimes we would like some trim or to know the draughts after each
pour in the stage plan.

bb: installing solver ; Please check the following before running the model. Go to >>Tools>>Solver if solver is not visible
in your toolbar please do the following Go to >>Tools>>add-ins>>tick solver add-ins>>ok shut down excel and re-open final trimming.

cc: Example ; The ship is a 5 hold supramax but you could add 7 or 9 holds from the tables once you are familiar.
The ship is having 1 mt trim (10/10.5/11mt) and 2,500MT of cargo to go. We would like her at even keel by distributing the cargo
in all 5 holds.
Go to >>tools>>solver>>solve>>keep solver solution>>ok : this will give you a cargo distribution (2500MT) across all holds Even keel.
In case you want the usual trimming for only two holds i.e. No 1 and 5 then Go to >>tools>>solver>>by changing cells>>j8,n8>>solve
this will tell solver to put cargo only in two holds j8 (No5) and N8 (No 1) instead of the whole range from J8:N8.
In case you want 10 cm of trim upon departure Go to >>tools>>solver>>by changing cells>>j8,n8>>value of "change to" 0.1>>solve
this will tell solver to keep the final trim to 0.1mts.
Don’t forget to press the reset button every time after running solver as it clears the past data.
Please enter your ships trimming tables in the table at the bottom to customize for your vessel. It is for change in draught/100MT.
Note, this doesn’t allow for hog and sag.

dd: Solver window ;

Final Trimming Sheet.

Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo F'ord Aft

Observed Drafts. Forward 5 4 3 2 1 Resultants = Drafts 10.00 mts 11.00 mts

10.00 mts 10.00 mts Aft 0 = Mean 10.50 mts

10.00 mts F'ord 0 = Trim 1.00 mts

Cargo 00 MT 00 MT

Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast

10.50 mts 10.50 mts Mean Fpt. 1 P 1 S 2 3 4 5 APT Resultants Aft 0

10.50 mts 10.50 mts Aft 0 F'ord 0

F'ord 0

Trim Obs. Ballast 00 MT

1.00 mts Linear Programming (Solver Constraints) FOR CARGO ONLY ;

11.00 mts 11.00 mts Cargo to Go : 2,500 MT

Aft 11.00 mts Non Negativity : 0

12 00 MT


00 MT

1 2 3 4 5

Note pad :

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