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Sample Lesson Plan:

Math Skill: Patterns

Age: 3-5

Number of Students: 3

Content Standards: 2.PK.2 Recognize and replicate simple patterns (e.g.,


Objectives: Children will need to complete the patterns given to them using



1. Colored popsicle sticks

2. Glue (for more permanent fix)

Activity: The children will be provided with a simple ABAB pattern to place

the sticks in order. They will be shown once and then the sticks will all be

mixed together and the child will need to replicate. After they have grasped

the concept, the child will create their own pattern to follow (up to three

colors) and the sticks will be glued down to present. They will also be given

an opportunity to decorate around the sticks to create scenery around their

What Happened: To my surprise, the children took the initiative to count

each of the colors in the patterns and then count the number of sticks that

corresponded with those colors. I found that to be mostly a counting activity

so we had to work a little more on the concept of patterns. The older child

(5) got the hang of it quite quickly. She wanted to start to make her own

patterns so she started making them with more and more colors. The

younger child would put the corresponding colors on the picture first and

then she would repeat it again next to it.

What Next: I think the activity went well, but I would probably put together

some more difficult patterns to be proactive for students that may have a

better concept of patterns than others.

Source: Pinterest -


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